Current news about air pollution
(Deutsch) Luftverschmutzung Covid Schadstoffbelastung Krebsfälle
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. Luftverschmutzung 2022 so schlimm wie Covid Laut einer Studie im Auftrag der Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO sterben jedes Jahr 7 Millionen Menschen an den Folgen der Luftverschmutzung. Ein Phänomen,[open post...]
(Deutsch) Luftschadstoffe und Umweltverschmutzung schlimmer als Corona, Luftverschmutzung
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. Luftverschmutzung: Spinnennetze voller Mikroplastik Mikroplastik von PET, PVC und Reifenabrieb Forscherinnen aus Oldenburg haben Spinnennetze auf Mikroplastik untersucht. Sie halten die Methode für geeignet, um die Luftverschmutzung[open post...]
(Deutsch) Schmutzige Luft, Allergien, Schadstoffbelastung – Wirksame Gegenmaßnahmen
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. 99 Prozent der Weltbevölkerung atmet schmutzige Luft Feinstaub, Stickstoffdioxid, Gas: Weltweit sterben mehr als sieben Millionen Menschen an den Folgen von Luftverschmutzung. Jedes Jahr. Geschätzte 99 Prozent[open post...]
(Deutsch) Je mehr Pollenflug umso mehr Covid-19 Neuinfektionen
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. Corona und Heuschnupfen: Verstärkter Pollenflug beeinflusst Infektionen 2021 in einer Studie heraus: Je stärker der Pollenflug, desto höher ist die Zahl der Neuinfektionen mit Covid-19. Corona: Mehr Pollen, mehr[open post...]
(Deutsch) Luftreiniger: Allergien Covid-19, Heuschnupfen Asthma, Omikron-Infektion, Luftverschmutzung COVID-19 Anfälligkeit
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. Klassische Allergien und Covid-19 haben ähnliche Symptome Husten, Kopfschmerzen, tränende Augen, Niesen. Atemprobleme: In Kürze beginnt der Frühling und für Personen die gegen Pollen allergisch sind beginnt[open post...]
(Deutsch) 1,8 Millionen Tote durch Luftverschmutzung, fossil-atomare Lobby, Menschen sterben durch Feinstaub
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. Gesundheit+Medizin: 1,8 Millionen Tote zusätzlich durch urbane Luftverschmutzung Ob Feinstaub, Stickoxide oder andere Schadstoffe – in vielen Metropolen weltweit herrscht dicke Luft. Welche Auswirkungen insbesondere Feinstaub und[open post...]
General problems with air pollutants and germs in the air
Air pollution exacerbates corona diseases
Many people are worried about current and possible new waves of corona infections and wonder what conditions can promote infections. According to studies, air pollution plays a central role in the severity of disease[open post...]
Effective air purifiers for event halls and event locations
Air purification 2.0 Hygiene concepts: prevention of infections at events At cultural and business events such as concerts, trade fairs, conferences, seminars and congresses, at parties or in theaters and cinemas,[open post...]
Air purifiers for treatment rooms in medical offices and clinics
Effective medical air purifiers against viruses and germs Protect patients and medical staff In the medical sector in particular, such as in clinics and medical practices, there are special requirements[open post...]
Air purifier hygiene concept: services in churches and events
Cultural and religious events Stay healthy, clean air without contagion Many people come together at events and regardless of current restrictions and regulations, it makes sense to minimize infections and the transmission[open post...]
ActivePure® Air Purifier Shop
Viruses, bacteria and germs so are removed already in the air. Revolutionary change in air filter technology Air purification 2.0 Activepure® air purifier against viruses and bacteria[open post...]
Activepure® effectiveness of the air purifiers against viruses and bacteria in the air
Reduction of viruses and bacteria Reduction and removal of viruses and bacteria in the air and on surfaces According to experts, ActivePure® is the best technology in the world that solves many[open post...]
New generation ActivePure® air purifiers against viruses
Research studies around the world have linked indoor air pollution to health effects such as headaches, respiratory problems, infectious diseases, chronic cough, eye irritation and lethargy. Those suffering from diseases such as asthma, allergies[open post...]
The higher the pollen count, the more new Covid-19 infections
Study proves: Corona and hay fever: Increased pollen count influences infections 2021 in a study: The higher the pollen count, the higher the number of new infections with Covid-19. Corona: More pollen, more infections[open post...]
Mobile air purifier against pollen, help with hay fever at home
Help for pollen allergy sufferers with mobile room air filter devices Many people suffering from hay fever have already felt it: Hazel & Co are blooming and the pollen from hazel, alder and[open post...]
Air purifier for cars: Clean air in taxis, driving schools, rental cars and in fully occupied cars
Mobile air cleaners/air filters for interiors of cars Friends and acquaintances, passengers, car pools of colleagues, learner drivers and driving instructors In the car, there are often several people in a[open post...]
BE AIR air purifier: Higher performance values than tested air purifiers from Stiftung Warentest
Above-average performance from BestElements air purifiers Stiftung Warentest Service: Air purifiers put to the test Infection numbers are high, as is the public's uncertainty, air cleaners promise protection by removing viruses,[open post...]
Rent mobile air purifier for parties and events
A. Hire air purifiers for private celebrations, parties and family celebrations Just as BestElements offers the option of renting mobile air filters for business meetings, seminars and workshops, the filter technology company now also[open post...]
Rent mobile air purifiers – minimize risk of infection at family gatherings on public holidays –
Holidays are always a great opportunity for families to get together. Family get-togethers on festive occasions in small or large groups are heartwarming and provide cohesion and security. The reunion with loved ones should[open post...]
Fine dust and microplastics in the brain – mobile air purifiers and water filters
More and more tests show that fine dust and microplastics have a very strong influence on our brain. The air we breathe is key to our health. But is it clean enough? Air that[open post...]
How useful are mobile air filters / air purifiers at home?
Air filters at home for clean and pure air in the home With the increase in allergies, the question of whether air filters make sense at home is more important than ever. Formaldehyde emissions[open post...]
Mobile room air filters at home
In our polluted environment, the air is constantly exposed to pollutants. This can lead to various problems such as asthma, sleep problems, allergies, cancer, liver disease, fatty liver and diabetes. Therefore, the air we[open post...]
Mobile room air filters for offices reduce viruses, bacteria, germs, dust and much more
Clean air in the office and in general at the workplace The BestElements filter technology reduces viruses, bacteria, germs and much more. The filtering takes place via several filter units that are used in[open post...]
Mobile room air filters in comparison
My advantages with mobile room air purfifer We spend more than half of our life in closed rooms. We spend 75% of the day in living rooms, offices, churches, cinemas, sports clubs, airplanes,[open post...]
Best air filters, costs and help against corona viruses, fine dust, pollen and much more
Best Air Purifier In addition to stationary filter systems, mobile air filters / air purifiers are a very efficient way of removing impurities and pollutants from the air. A combination of effective HEPA filter[open post...]
Rent mobile air filters for events – seminars, congresses with a hygiene concept
Rent mobile air purifier for events Work shops, seminars, congresses in accordance with regulations and hygiene concepts Clean, pure air without germs, odors, viruses, bacteria The BestElements BE AIR8 air filters[open post...]
8 reasons why it is important to use air filters in your home and office
Air filters at home and in the office We all know that air pollution is not exactly a new thing. It's a problem that affects all of us, seriously. It is a problem that[open post...]
Effective air filtration in homes, offices, conference rooms and group rooms
Use the air filter technology from BestElements to effectively filter the air in your homes, offices, conference rooms or group rooms. The special properties of the BestElements filter systems are the effective combination of[open post...]
Funding for mobile air filters, air purification against Aerosloe, diseases caused by pollutants in the air
How does air purification help against aerosols?Aerosols are the specter of horror for many people who worry about their health due to Corona. Air filter systems can be an alternative to masks in closed rooms.[open post...]
WHO gives massively stricter recommendations for guidelines on air pollutants
Air pollution limits In new guidelines, the WHO recommends greatly reducing pollutants in the air: Even in low concentrations, they are hazardous to health. In Germany, particulate matter and nitrogen oxide levels in particular[open post...]