Knowledge · Experience · Development · Certification

Innovative family business with qualified employees and strong partners

The task of our filter and treatment devices is to remove pollutants from air and water and enrich them with hydrogen – for your well-being and health.

Thomas Schmidt

Owner BestElements

From the turn of the millennium, Thomas Schmidt worked as an external consultant for various drinking water supply companies. This gave him an insight into the processes of drinking water supply, into the strengths of safe drinking water supply, but also into the difficulties and challenges with undesirable substances that increasingly find their way into the water cycle.

As he became more and more involved with the subject, he and his team came into contact with water treatment using reverse osmosis. This technology works at the molecular level and ensures purity of drinking water despite the challenges of our time, e.g. with hormone-like substances, environmental toxins and drug residues, which are increasingly being detected in the water.

After decades of experience in marketing and specialization in the drinking water sector, the cornerstones for the founding of BestElements were laid in 2014 and four years later the company BestElements Filtertechnologie received its current structures. The company founder Thomas Schmidt works together with his son Leon Schmidt, who enriches the company with his extensive expertise in the field of marketing and social media, as well as with specialists with extensive experience in the field of manufacturing and production, who – and this was very important for the owner of the family business – takes place here in Germany. Reliable filter devices are developed on the basis of the purest filter materials, many years of experience and future-oriented technology.

The product portfolio of BestElements Filter Technology has been extended besides Made-in-Germany reverse osmosis drinking water filters by flow-through filters, mobile air filters against fine dust, pollutants – and especially also against viruses and bacteria – hydrogen generators and accessories. Customers in Germany, Europe as well as many international customers worldwide are very satisfied and enjoy the reliability and purity of BestElements filter devices – to the delight of Thomas Schmidt and his team.

BestElements customers in Europe

Production of Made in Germany reverse osmosis filter devices

Products from BestElements