Current news about air pollution
(Deutsch) Ob diese strengeren Grenzwerte für Luftschadstoffe ausreichen?
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. Im Kampf gegen Luftverschmutzung gelten in der EU künftig strengere Grenz- und Zielwerte für verschiedene Schadstoffe. Wie aus einer Mitteilung hervorgeht, haben die EU-Mitgliedstaaten in Luxemburg entsprechende[open post...]
(Deutsch) Mülheim München Luftverschmutzung, Asthma durch Luftschadstoffe
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. Mülheim Industriegebiet schmutzige Luft Experten messen Schadstoffe in der Luft: Am Mülheimer Hafen registrieren sie an zwei Orten zu hohe Schwermetallgehalte … Quelle München Luftverschmutzung Die[open post...]
(Deutsch) Zusammenhang Feinstaub und antibiotikaresistenten Bakterien
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. Die Effektivität von Luftreinigern hinsichtlich der Bekämpfung von Feinstaub und antibiotikaresistenten Bakterien wird zunehmend intensiv erforscht und Gegenstand von Diskussionen. Es besteht die Sorge, dass Feinstaub in[open post...]
(Deutsch) München Essen Grenzwertüberschreitung Luftverschmutzung vs. Depressionen
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. Luftverschmutzung und Depressionen Studie erkennt Zusammenhang zwischen Luftverschmutzung und Depressionen Luftverschmutzung wird zunehmend als wichtiger umweltbedingter Risikofaktor für die psychische Gesundheit angesehen. Eine Studie in Großbritannien fand[open post...]
(Deutsch) EU Feinstaub-Belastung, Herzinfarkte, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt und München klagen auf saubere Luft
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. Rund 240.000 vorzeitige Todesfälle in der EU durch Feinstaub-Belastung pro Jahr Schlechte Luft ist tödlich: In der EU sterben nach wie vor etliche Menschen vorzeitig, weil sie[open post...]
(Deutsch) Herzinfarktrisiko, zunehmende Luftverschmutzung, Großstädter klagen auf saubere Luft
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. Umweltminister warnt vor zunehmender Luftverschmutzung in Sachsen-Anhalt – weil wegen hoher Gaspreise wieder mehr mit Kohle und Holz geheizt wird Umweltminister Willingmann warnt aufgrund der Energiekrise vor[open post...]
General problems with air pollutants and germs in the air
NASA ActivePure® technology: These air purifiers protect against viruses, bacteria, mold, allergens…
ActivePure® technology is considered one of the most advanced methods for cleaning indoor air and surfaces. Originally developed by NASA for use in space travel, this innovative technology now ensures clean, healthy air in[open post...]
10 Tips and Comparison: Air purifiers indispensable in autumn and winter
Why air purifiers are essential in autumn and winter As the seasons change, the challenges for indoor air quality increase. In autumn and winter, when windows are left closed more often and people spend[open post...]
Studies and prevention: fine dust, air pollutants, oxidative stress, neurodermatitis and cancer
The European Environment Agency confirms the health emergency caused by air pollution: German environmental aid is calling for significant improvements in negotiations on the European Air Quality Directive. Fine dust causes oxidative stress[open post...]
Measuring air quality in group rooms: regulations, health and well-being aspects
Monitoring and measuring air quality in group rooms such as schools, daycare centers and medical facilities is of great importance for health reasons as well as well-being aspects and to improve performance. Regular air[open post...]
Air purifier against fine dust antibiotic resistant bacteria Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 RSV
The effectiveness of air purifiers in combating fine dust and antibiotic-resistant bacteria is increasingly being researched and debated. There is concern that particulate matter in the air could play a potential role in the[open post...]
Air purifiers tested by Stiftung Warentest against fine dust, bacteria, pollen and much more
Stiftung Warentest has tested several air purifiers. Various criteria such as filter performance, handling, safety, power consumption and volume of the running devices were taken into account. A total of 7 air filters were[open post...]
German environmental aid warns: Harmful air pollution in Germany
Alarming values in the current evaluation of air pollutants A current evaluation of air pollutants has revealed alarming values which, according to the German Environmental Aid, lead to harmful air pollution in Germany. According[open post...]
Air pollution leads to depression – air purifiers make you happy
Study finds link between air pollution and depression Air pollution is increasingly recognized as an important environmental risk factor for mental health. A study in the UK found that people with long-term exposure to[open post...]
Particulate matter brings premature death to hundreds of thousands in the EU
It is true that the air in the EU improved so much between 2005 and 2020. Premature deaths from particulate matter exposure fell by 45 percent. But unfortunately there are still 240,000 people per[open post...]
Air Purifier: Study on the effectiveness of ActivePure® technology for indoor elimination of Sars-Cov-2 viruses
Summary of the publication of the peer-reviewed scientific study in the JOURNAL OF INFECTION AND PUBLIC HEALTH on the effectiveness of ActivePure® technology in eliminating Sars-Cov-2 indoor viruses. Peer review reports are a method[open post...]
Rent air purifiers: MTV event, congresses and seminars
The MTV Europe Music Awards took place in Düsseldorf and superstars such as Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, Ed Sheeran, Adele, Ava Max, Bebe Rexha, David Guetta, the Gorillaz, Badmómzjay, Muse and Lewis Capaldi, Coldplay and[open post...]
Particulate matter damages the brains of small children and unborn babies
Particulate matter in the air we breathe obviously damages nerve fibers in the brain Small children and unborn children are particularly affected Scientific findings reveal that exposure to particulate matter and nitrogen[open post...]
Air purifier against rheumatism, weakened immune system due to bad air quality
Environmental pollutants in the air weaken our immune system Little has been said about the concentration of particulate matter in our own four walls. The truth is that even in non-smoking homes, cooking,[open post...]
Hire air purifier for events
Protect audience and speakers At events such as trade fairs, conferences, workshops, training courses and events, the risk of infection from germs, viruses and bacteria should be kept as low as possible or, in[open post...]
Air filter: Alzheimer’s psychotropic drugs and high blood pressure
Better brain development with air purifiers According to WHO Ethiopian Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, let's poison millions of children with exhaust fumes and ruin their lives. They are increasingly suffering from asthma[open post...]
Air purifier: Best performance in a healthy working atmosphere
Healthy air and high performance You can achieve a good and positive working atmosphere at work if the employees treat each other with respect, in a friendly and forgiving manner. In addition to[open post...]
Energy-saving high-performance air purifiers in comparison
Best air quality and save electricity costs Excellent air quality from 19 watts and super quiet New, energy-saving design and patented technology make it possible: energy-saving air filters that, despite low power[open post...]
Mobile air purifiers for conferences, workshops and seminars
Mobile air filters / air purifiers for your conference, seminar and workshop Organizers of conferences, seminars and workshops comply with hygiene concepts to minimize infection with viruses among participants. Aerosols, bacteria and viruses[open post...]
Air purifier at home, residential air purifiers
Mobile air filters / air purifiers for the home Mobile air filters within your own four walls reliably remove impurities, pollutants, germs and pollen that are floating in the air and impair the[open post...]
Air purifier against corona viruses! Hygiene concept without masks?
Air purifier against corona virus Useful corona measures? The hygiene concept includes distance control and wearing a mask. Its effectiveness has been controversial. What happens when medical as well as FFP2 and FFP3[open post...]
Air purifier for allergy sufferers
Air purifier for allergy sufferers tested Mobile air purifiers against allergens in comparison We breathe about 16 kg of air per day. This air should be as free as possible of allergens,[open post...]
Air purifier against corona viruses and aerosols
Tested and confirmed: Mobile air purifiers / air filters against Corona viruses Corona viruses, aerosols and germs in the air and on surfaces are making it increasingly difficult for us to lead a[open post...]
World Athletics for Clean Air: Every breath counts
A Call For Clean Air The world athletics association World Athletics is campaigning for stronger measures against air pollution with the new campaign "Every Breath Counts". World Athletics launches Every Breath Counts[open post...]