Medicinal and health-prophylactic effects of hydrogen
Fundamental new insights into the strong medical and health prophylactic effects of molecular hydrogen and the particularly important role of hydrogen in biology and medicine, which has been proven in almost 1,000 studies, as a natural radical scavenger and antioxidant against oxidative stress and free radicals. (Dipl.-Phys. Jürgen Axmann)
Hydrogen and healthy life
“Entire ecosystems thrive in total darkness at deep-sea hydrothermal vents. At the beginning of their food chain is not the sun, but chemical energy carriers such as molecular hydrogen, which flow from the earth’s interior. Since their discovery 30 years ago, hydrothermal vents have been discussed in connection with the origin of life because the earth donates chemical energy there. Some hydrothermal vents still produce methane from CO2 in a purely geochemical way even today. The chemical conditions there are therefore responsible for the conversion of CO2 into organic substances – the building blocks of life…” (William Martin)

The body needs hydrogen in a bioavailable form
Hydrogen is almost nowhere freely available in nature. Hydrogen is almost always “bound” to other elements. Environmental toxins and stress make it difficult for our organism to have a healthy, natural energy metabolism. Most diseases and aging are due to an imbalance of free radicals and thus a lack of bioavailable hydrogen. The energy metabolism in our cells no longer runs without errors and so we age.
Supplying the body with the required hydrogen in a bioavailable form supports our biochemical processes in the organism. Hydrogen conversion processes and the energy required to separate hydrogen from other molecules are reduced and make it easier for the body to absorb the hydrogen and thus energy. This energy is needed for self-healing processes in our organism.
Studies, research and experience have shown that the signs of aging (and many diseases) are due to chronic dehydration, even in people who drink more than a liter of water a day. This is because most of the drinking water we drink actually contains many impurities that are harmful to the body! Even worse are carbonated drinks and sugar, which many people add to make the water “tasty”. The best drinking water is pure drinking water.
Minerals can be made bioavailable. Most minerals are not bioassimilable in their natural form. We humans get most of our bioassimilable minerals from our diet.
Direct Inflammation Relief
What we all need is healthy, bioavailable water and hydrogen. As soon as the body gets this, it begins to develop its self-healing powers. Various waters around the world are known for their healing properties. Doctors and drugs don’t heal, they support at best: The body heals itself when it is given what it needs to heal! Our body is mainly made up of water and therefore pure water is needed! (George Wiseman, Eagle Research)

Lots of bioavailable hydrogen
Hydrogen for health has been used for decades but is only now being ‘discovered’ by the scientific community. “The cell itself is immortal. The point is only the liquid medium (water) in which the cell resides and in which it degenerates. Renew the medium regularly, give the cell everything it needs for the basis of its nutrition , and the rhythm of life can last forever.” (Dr. Alex Karrel, Nobel laureate, kept chicken heart cells alive for 34 years)
Powerful hydrogen generators for everyday use overview
Mobile hydrogen boosters with high performance values for better personal performance
The following powerful hydrogen boosters, hydrogen filters for hydrogen-rich drinking water and hydrogen inhalers for inhaling hydrogen are very suitable for everyday use, they are certified and reliably supply our body cells with this valuable elixir of life.