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Specialist article “Hydrogen is life – good and healthy life” Download PDF

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Specialist article “Hydrogen is life – good and healthy life” Download PDF

The article entitled “Hydrogen is life – good and healthy life!” by Thomas Schmidt deals with the importance of hydrogen in health prophylaxis and therapy as well as its potential health benefits. The article appeared in the medical and health magazine AKOM, specialist magazine for applied complementary medicine. The main points are summarized here; the PDF is available for download below.

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Contents of the article summarized

1. Health Effects of Environment and Diet: The article begins by discussing the negative effects of environmental factors and dietary habits that can lead to the accumulation of waste and free radicals in the body.

2. Hydrogen as a therapeutic element: Hydrogen is highlighted as an important element that can help support the body’s healing process. It is emphasized that hydrogen can reach the most distant cells of the body and have a positive effect there.

3. Uses of Hydrogen: The text describes various ways of absorbing hydrogen, including drinking hydrogen-rich water, inhalation, and absorption through the skin.

4. Scientific Studies on Hydrogen: The article references hundreds of studies showing positive effects of hydrogen on a variety of diseases with no negative side effects.

5. Specific Health Benefits: The article lists a variety of diseases where hydrogen has shown beneficial effects, including cognitive dysfunction, nerve damage, lung damage, aging, obesity, diabetes, oxidative stress and more.

6. Hydrogen in geriatrics: Particular importance is given to the role of hydrogen in geriatrics, where it can potentially have positive effects on the health and well-being of older people.

7. Hydrogen and post-COVID therapy: The article discusses the use of hydrogen inhalation therapy in post-COVID-19 patients and its positive effects on physical and respiratory function.

8. Nano-bubble technology in water: A technology for enriching water with hydrogen at the nano-bubble level is also presented, which provides high bioavailability and stability.

9. Benefits of Brown’s Gas: The text also mentions Brown’s Gas (a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen), which is said to have additional energizing effects.

10. Integration with conventional medical therapies: It is argued that hydrogen therapies can complement, rather than interfere with, conventional medical treatment.

The article suggests that hydrogen has promising therapeutic application in both clinical and home settings, providing a variety of health benefits.

Download the article as a PDF (DE)

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