This trend of body optimization is becoming more and more popular: hydrogen-enriched drinking water. This method is based on the fact that hydrogen, as one of the best selective antioxidants, binds free radicals in the body, thereby reducing the condition known as oxidative stress. This stress can be caused by various stresses such as environmental toxins, poor diet, lack of sleep, strong sunlight and can throw the metabolism out of balance.
Hydrogen generators known as hydrogen boosters from the H2Master brand can convert conventional tap water or, better yet, filtered drinking water into water with increased hydrogen content. Purchasing such an H2Master is affordable at around €300.
Hydrogen water in everyday life
Our body needs the power of H2 water for the processes in energy metabolism, detoxification and for our nervous system. Vitamins are largely hydrogen compounds. Free radicals are eliminated by the addition of H2 and energy metabolism as well as our metabolic metabolism are thereby promoted. Concentration becomes easier, unnatural signs of tiredness are minimized and the causes of hyperacidity are eliminated.
Hydrogen water against signs of aging
The fact that oxidative stress and a reduction in energy metabolism has a direct effect on an unbalanced state and a lack of structure in our cells, in return, hydrogen dissolved in drinking water or inhaled form from hydrogen inhalers has a cell-supporting and rejuvenating effect. Many private users as well as therapy centers follow this approach. Hydrogen can be described as the fountain of youth. Radiant, firm skin that is supplied with sufficient nutrients requires a flourishing energy metabolism.
People have an influence on their biological aging. People can influence their biological aging based on their lifestyle and how they handle stress. This not only affects external appearance, but also the risk of age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s, cancer, dementia and cardiovascular diseases, which increases with biological age. Extensive studies have been carried out on this subject, including at Harvard Medical School in Boston.
Hydrogen-rich drinking water during sports
On the one hand, water enriched with hydrogen provides the body with energy before training. For faster regeneration, H2-enriched water should also be consumed in the first two to three hours after training. And to support optimal muscle growth, drinking hydrogen water is also recommended three to four hours after training. The hydrogen is absorbed through the oral mucosa when you drink, so it makes sense to keep the water in your mouth for a short time. Once generated and opened, the approx. 200 ml from the H2Master should be drunk quickly, which is easy with this amount in 3-4 large sips. The next time it is needed, water is prepared again and this process can happen several times a day.

Hydrogen during IHT and IHHT training
During intermittent altitude training, the oxygen content in the air you breathe will periodically increase or decrease. IHT Intermittent hypoxia reduces the oxygen content in the blood and causes a short-term and periodic lack of oxygen at intervals. With IHHT interval hypoxia-hyperoxia therapy, the body is alternately undersupplied and oversupplied with oxygen (O2). This training can be supported and accompanied with hydrogen inhalation, as with other training units, before and after training.
Powerful hydrogen generators for everyday use overview
Mobile hydrogen boosters with high performance values for better personal performance
The following powerful hydrogen boosters, hydrogen filters for hydrogen-rich drinking water and hydrogen inhalers for inhaling hydrogen are very suitable for everyday use, they are certified and reliably supply our body cells with this valuable elixir of life.