hydrogen pure water clean air

Podcast Advice Hydrogen Application H2Booster Inhalers

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Podcast Advice Hydrogen Application H2Booster Inhalers

Thomas Schmidt

Short recordings from interviews on the topics of hydrogen, drinking water, inhalation and air purifiers (in German)
Speaker: Thomas Schmidt

If we look at the element hydrogen, it is the smallest element that exists. And the most fundamental, from which many others have emerged. The basis of our life, you could say. Hydrogen itself is highly bond-friendly when it is present in molecular form in the body and is then able to bind free radicals that arise during energy metabolism. This is how we obtain our life energy in our mitochondria through ATP production. Free radicals also have important functions, but some of them, such as the hydroxyl radical or peroxynitrite, do not, as these hinder our energy metabolism.

Hydrogen acts specifically against these oxygen radicals. And this raises the question: How do we get it into the cells and into the body in general? One way is through drinking water, which is enriched with molecular hydrogen. Although bubbles rise, no sparkling water is produced. The other option is through hydrogen inhalation, and this is the more efficient method.

Which devices should we choose? We have several models of inhalers. The model numbers indicate the flow rate in ml per minute that the device delivers of hydrogen or hydrogen plus oxygen.

The higher the flow rate, the better, because time matters. If I can inhale hydrogen all day, i.e., if I’m sitting or lying down in one place, I can certainly use the H2 200. So, the timing and purpose of the inhalation play a role.

The smaller devices are very suitable for prophylactic purposes, but when it comes to the therapeutic range, you would go from the H2-600 or H2-1500 up to the H2-3000, and the combination of both hydrogen and oxygen, which the two higher-volume devices deliver, produces a hydrogen/oxygen mixture.

A pure hydrogen generator with 1000 milliliters or a combination device with 1000 milliliters plus 500 milliliters of oxygen, which is known as brown gas, or HHO. You can use these prophylactically to enhance performance, as well as for therapeutic purposes.

When you purchase a device, the time component naturally plays a role. And then it’s actually like this: the higher the flow rate, the greater the potential for hydrogen absorption. The entire process is delivered via a nasal cannula. It’s not a mask. If it’s the H2-3000 device, patients are able to absorb more hydrogen. It also comes out through the nasal cannula mentioned above. So, hydrogen also comes out during the exhalation process.

But the amount that remains in the body can also be absorbed by the body. And there’s no such thing as too much. Anything the body doesn’t absorb because it’s saturated, for example, is expelled through the breath or through the skin. It’s also possible to treat two patients at the same time. Technically, this would also be possible with the H2-1500, but then the flow rate would be halved again.

Our devices are operated with pure distilled water, which reduces maintenance requirements to almost zero. With daily use, you would need to add about half a liter of water every two or three weeks. And that’s basically all the maintenance required.

If you recommend the devices to your customers, you are making a recommendation, and we pay commissions for any resulting sales. We have several doctors or therapists who work in the field and provide recommendations. And this is commission income generated for you as the referrer. This is our affiliate program.

On our website BestElements.de, we have presented quite extensive information about hydrogen and the studies that have been conducted. You can find it under Hydrogen Devices and then Studies, or also via Articles and Interviews. The sources of the studies that have been conducted are also mentioned there, as well as our own experiences in the research field, such as nanobubbles. It’s quite informative and comprehensively presented.

Hydrogen inhalers

  • H2 200 and H2 600 also available for rent
  • Hydrogen increases performance and is used for prophylactic purposes
  • Supports self-healing powers, chronic and acute dysfunctions, reduces inflammation
  • Removes oxygen radicals in the body
  • Flow rate: indicator for duration of use
  • Hydrogen inhaler with nasal tube Produce hydrogen-rich water
  • Hydrogen inhalation accessories

How hydrogen works in the body

  • Mitochondria in our body cells as power plants for energy metabolism

Installment payment/tax deductible

  • Payment provider PayPal or Klarna pay in installments
  • Deduct purchase from taxes as a therapist


  • Therapeutic use
  • Prophylaxis
  • Wellness area

Recommendations, affiliate, sales partner: Sales partner variants Affiliate partner or dealer.

  • Share affiliate links to the product, automatically receive commission as soon as a purchase is made
  • Registration for the affiliate program free of charge and without obligation
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Rent hydrogen inhalers

  • Rent inhalers H2 200 and H2 600

Brauns Gas

  • Combination of hydrogen and oxygen that are created together in the electrolysis chamber
  • Ratio two to one, two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen
  • Models of inhalers, flow rates, H2 1500 delivers 1000 ml of hydrogen and 500 ml of oxygen per minute
  • Inhalers: also enrichment of water with hydrogen, nasal cannulas, bubble sticks under accessories

Inhaler / hydrogen-rich drinking water

  • Application
  • Use of commercially available water bottles

Water filter with hydrogen in one

  • WOU H2Mega 3000 table device delivers hydrogen-rich water at the touch of a button, cold/warm/hot, prepare hot drinks immediately
  • Reverse osmosis filtration with UV
  • Hydrogen saturation of 3000 ppb
  • Flexible without installation at home or in the office

Hydrogen in the body through oxygen-enriched drinking water and hydrogen inhalation

  • When are hydrogen inhalers useful?
  • Use hydrogen booster H2Master for very high hydrogen saturation in the body
  • Drink water several times a day, regularly supply the body with hydrogen, special edition with inhalation function
  • Hydrogen for mitochondria in our cells to bind free radicals/oxygen radicals. Free radicals are created during the oxidation (combustion) of oxygen (cellular respiration), from which we get our life energy.
  • During this combustion, there are residues in the form of oxygen radicals (hydroxyl radicals) and these must be removed for unhindered energy metabolism. This is what hydrogen does. In addition, vitamins, for example, are often hydrogen compounds, and the effect is similar.

Hydrogen booster H2Master

  • Special edition with inhalation function, H2MasterXL with 280 ml of water
  • Processes of five or ten minutes
  • It is not advisable to enrich water with hydrogen in advance, hydrogen evaporates relatively quickly in 20-30 minutes
  • Electrolysis module as the heart of this device. Water is separated into hydrogen and oxygen. Bubbles rise but it is not sparkling water, bubbles split into nanobubbles on the way up.
  • Article about nanobubbles
  • Taste remains unchanged, pH value remains almost unchanged
  • Still water is the most digestible for the body
  • Order in the online shop
  • Payment options bank transfer on account, PayPal, Klarna, Amazon … Shipping after receipt of payment

Studies: Hydrogen in therapy

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Categories: Hydrogen-rich water|

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