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Research results on nano-hydrogen and nano-gases generation

  • Forschung Wasserstoff

Research results on nano-hydrogen and nano-gases generation

State of development in nano-hydrogen/nano-gases generation

The usual application of gases and hydrogen in medicine and technology has so far taken place in the micrometer to millimeter bubble size range (visible gas bubbles). In contrast, in nature the gas exchange of all cells from microorganisms (biofilm), plants to animal and human cells, works via pores and channels on an invisible nanometer scale, which has many advantages! The technical implementation of this natural solution is demanding and is still in its early stages.

Dipl.-Physicist Jürgen Axmann, Engineering office IBU-Axmann

Medical physicist, Bad Blankenburg, Germany

Nano-bubbles and their importance for medicine and health prophylaxis

In cooperation with partners, we have developed and patented several solutions that, among other things, have medical and health prophylactic significance and can be used. For example, it is a sustainable and efficient nano-hydrogen enrichment in drinking water or in whole pool areas. Various biotechnical applications are also of interest.

The way it works (for all gases and mixtures) is that the primary gases are forced through nanomembranes and are prevented from growing/agglomerating on the exit surface using suitable techniques. The membranes can, for example, consist of silicone rubber tubes. The experimental apparatus can be seen here, in which the hydrogen booster H2Master PLUS V2 from BestElements GmbH was used as the primary hydrogen source.

The water “charged with H2 gas” is highly enriched, has long-term stability and is biologically efficient, among other things because the gas bubbles (below a defined nano size) no longer rise and remain in the container. The calculation is shown in the paper pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/acsomega.0c05384.

Hydrogen research: Prototype for nano hydrogen generation

Hydrogen research: Prototype for nano hydrogen generation with H2-Master

Hydrogen research: nanobubbles in the green laser beam

The nanobubbles become qualitatively visible in the green laser beam. Another indirect proof of the existence of nanogas bubbles is their continuous formation = measurement with a gas sensor takes place without visible bubbling. The proportion of bubbles in the container increases beyond the respective saturation limits of the respective gases!

Hydrogen research: nanobubbles in the green laser beam

Hydrogen research: nanobubbles in the green laser beam

The qualitative evidence could be supplemented and confirmed by quantitative laser measurement series with Microtrac-Retsch. Series of tests for “H2 charging” with the hose system can be seen in the graphs.

Hydrogen research: Nanobubbles detection/measurement Microtrac-Retsch

Hydrogen research: hydrogen loading with a “hose-in-hose” applicator

Research Hydrogen Hydrogen loading with a “hose-in-hose” applicator

Hydrogen research: hydrogen loading with a “hose-in-hose” applicator


BestElements is calling for additional sponsors for research and studies

Institutes such as the engineering firm IBU-Axmann with the medical physicist Jürgen Axmann, Hannover Medical School in collaboration with the University of Göttingen and other scientists are conducting research in the hydrogen sector and are working on further studies to identify the basis for further hydrogen therapies. These institutes and research laboratories rely on funding and investors. We look forward to hearing from you here at BestElements.de

Powerful hydrogen generators for everyday use overview

Mobile hydrogen boosters with high performance values for better personal performance

The following powerful hydrogen boosters, hydrogen filters for hydrogen-rich drinking water and hydrogen inhalers for inhaling hydrogen are very suitable for everyday use, they are certified and reliably supply our body cells with this valuable elixir of life.

Studies: Hydrogen in therapy

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