Hydrogen inhalers and hydrogen boosters
Hydrogen inhalation
Devices for experienced users, clinics, doctors and therapists

BE H2 600 / 1,000 / 1,500 / 2,000 / 3,000
For commercial use in clinics, medical facilities, SPA’s
600 mL/min / 1,000 mL/min hydrogen or 1,500 mL/min (1,500 mL model: 1,000 H2 and 500 ml O2 mixed), 1-2 hours each. Effective neutralization of free radicals in cells, obesity improvement, emphysema adjuvant therapy, stroke Alzheimer’s disease adjuvant therapy, treatment of neurological disorders and cerebrovascular diseases.
Hydrogen-rich drinking water
Use at home and on the go

For everyday use by people of all ages. Hydrogen-rich drinking water works against free radicals, stress and acidification. By improving the energy metabolism, it stimulates the cells, improves concentration, and increases performance and resistance.
Promising therapy with hydrogen
Scientific principles of hydrogen therapy
Hydrogen is the lightest element, the smallest of all atoms and is the most common on our earth and in our universe. It comes first in the periodic table. The most common elemental form is hydrogen gas, which consists of diatomic (H2) molecules.
Hydrogen achieves the most obvious antioxidant effect, has a fast movement speed, and entering the human body, due to the benefits, it is very easy to quickly reach all parts of the body with tissues and cells. For example, hydrogen can reach the mitochondria and other fine structures in the cells, fundamentally improving the condition of the cells.
Hydrogen officially food additive
EU/US Food Regulation: Hydrogen is officially declared as a food additive. Hydrogen is officially approved as food additive E 949 for food in general. There is no maximum quantity restriction for this additive. Physicians in Japan use hydrogen inhalation as a medical procedure, and even divers breathe air mixed with hydrogen when descending to extreme depths.
The beginnings of hydrogen in therapy
Hydrogen with a protective effect
Wasserstoff hat eine schützende Wirkung bei Diabetes mellitus, Arteriosklerose, Arthritis, Sepsis und Nebenwirkungen der Tumor-Radiochemotherapie. Es hat eine therapeutische Wirkung auf das metabolische Syndrom, Dyslipidämie, Diabetes mellitus Typ-2, rheumatoide Arthritis, bei verminderter Lebensqualität nach Krebsbestrahlung, bei Nebenwirkungen durch urämische Dialyse und übermäßige Müdigkeit nach körperlicher Betätigung. Und Wasserstoff ist das einzige bekannte Antioxidans, welches selektiv auf freie Radikale wirkt.
Hydrogen inhalation in medical use in Covid 19
Dr. Nanshan Zhong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, famous expert on respiratory diseases. He is dedicated to the research, prevention and treatment of serious infectious diseases of the respiratory tract and chronic respiratory diseases. He uses hydrogen ventilators to treat patients’ lungs.
Medical research results
- Reduces oxidative damage
- Anti-inflammatory
- Reduces apoptosis (programmed cell death)
- Removes malicious Free Radicals
- Boosts immune function
Promote cell metabolism, comprehensively improve the health effect of the immune system. Reduce stress and increased fatigue. Alleviate signs of aging and rejuvenate the complexion.
Questions and answers
Is hydrogen safe for long-term use?
The biosafety of H2 is the subject of extensive research. Medical research, e.g. related to scuba diving, has proven that breathing hydrogen for days does not cause any harmful side effects.
Can hydrogen-rich drinking water be prepared for later drinking?
Hydrogen is flexible and penetrating. Hydrogen dissolved in water can escape from drinking water into the air relatively quickly, and the concentration of hydrogen in water decreases quickly. It is therefore recommended to generate hydrogen-rich drinking water as required with a BE H2 hydrogen booster and then drink it. Practically, the mobile BE H2 Booster can be easily sorted by drink and generate appropriate drinking quantities for each process.
What happens if I don’t use the device for a long time?
The membranes of the hydrogen devices must be kept wet. If you will not be using hydrogen inhalers for more than three months, it is advisable to change the water. Otherwise there are no restrictions.
Powerful hydrogen generators for everyday use overview
Mobile hydrogen boosters with high performance values for better personal performance
The following powerful hydrogen boosters, hydrogen filters for hydrogen-rich drinking water and hydrogen inhalers for inhaling hydrogen are very suitable for everyday use, they are certified and reliably supply our body cells with this valuable elixir of life.