Current drinking water reports by region (D)
(Deutsch) Limburg-Weilburg, Neukirch/Lausitz, Oberhausen Trinkwasser Probleme
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. Hadamar (Landkreis Limburg-Weilburg, Deutschland): Chlorzusatz wegen coliformer Bakterien im Trinkwasser In Hadamar sorgt derzeit eine Verunreinigung des Trinkwassers mit coliformen Bakterien für Besorgnis. Nach Angaben der[open post...]
(Deutsch) Wackersberg Hamburg Rendsburg Eichwalde Rosenheim Trinkwasserprobleme
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. Wackersberg (Bayern, Deutschland): Abkochanordnung wegen Enterokokken im Trinkwasser In Wackersberg, Bayern, wurde bei Routinekontrollen der Wasserversorgung eine Verunreinigung mit Enterokokken festgestellt. Aufgrund dieser... Hamburg (Dulsberg, Deutschland):[open post...]
(Deutsch) Bonn Mittelbaden Barsinghausen Chlor und PFAS
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. Bonn (NRW, Deutschland): Chlorgeruch im Trinkwasser nach Reinigungsarbeiten festgestellt In Bonn wurde nach Reinigungsarbeiten ein Chlorgeruch im Trinkwasser festgestellt. Laut den Stadtwerken Bonn ist... Mittelbaden (Baden-Württemberg,[open post...]
(Deutsch) Pfaffenhofen (Bayern, Deutschland): Abkochgebot wegen coliformer Keime im Trinkwasser
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. In Pfaffenhofen (Bayern) müssen die Bürger ihr Trinkwasser ab sofort abkochen. Laut den Stadtwerken Pfaffenhofen wurden in den Hochbehältern des Wasserversorgungssystems geringe Mengen coliformer Keime festgestellt.[open post...]
(Deutsch) Würzburg Homburg Minden Ulfa Klagenfurt Basel Zürich Wasserprobleme
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. Glarus: Suche nach PFAS-Hotspots im Trinkwasser gestartet Die Suche nach PFAS-Hotspots im Trinkwasser von Glarus hat begonnen, da seit Februar 2024 neue... Würzburg (Unterfranken, Deutschland): Trinkwasser[open post...]
(Deutsch) Homburg Klagenfurt Minden Jossgrund Aresing und Gachenbach Trinkwasserprobleme
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. In Aresing und Gachenbach, Deutschland, wurden Fäkalkeime im Trinkwasser entdeckt. Anwohner müssen das Wasser abkochen. Aktuelle Tests zeigen keine Keime mehr. Maßnahmen wurden ergriffen." In Aresing[open post...]
Drinking water purity: General problems
Fear for the purity of our drinking water – but also solutions
Almost all regions of our country are potentially affected by drinking water contamination and drinking water warnings and water alerts are issued almost daily in our country. In frequent cases, this concerns bacterial contamination,[open post...]
Water filter with hydrogen generator against PFAS microplastic bacteria & Co
Water management experts warn about the risks of so-called forever chemicals PFAS from industry. They particularly emphasize the high levels of per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in the environment, including groundwater, lakes and[open post...]
World Water Day, Viva con Agua and water filters from BestElements
UNESCO World Water Day is celebrated annually on March 22nd and aims to highlight the importance of water as a vital resource and promote awareness of the sustainable management of water resources. The day[open post...]
Shower filter against chlorine, lime, heavy metals, suspended matter, bacteria…
The BE shower filters are designed to remove unwanted and harmful substances from tap water and thus improve the quality of the shower water. Skin irritation or hair problems can result from excess lime,[open post...]
Water filter important: Drug residues in drinking water are a huge, growing problem
A huge and growing problem is drug residues excreted from the body or disposed of through the toilet. These active ingredients remain in the water cycle and can only be inadequately filtered by sewage[open post...]
Water filters: drug residues and multi-resistant germs – water pollution
The challenge of water pollution The water in Germany is facing a serious problem: drug residues and multi-resistant germs are polluting numerous bodies of water in the country. In a recent review by[open post...]
Nitrates Pesticides Medicines Hormones: Dangers in drinking water
Nitrates and pesticides are two of the main contaminants that can affect the quality of our drinking water. Nitrate input occurs mainly through agricultural activities such as fertilization, which causes it to enter the[open post...]
Lithium bisphenols and drugs in tap water: risk of autism
Drinking water from the tap contains, among other undesirable ingredients, the light metal lithium, which is used in medicine to treat mental illnesses such as depression. Researchers have recently linked elevated levels of lithium[open post...]
Toxic chemicals in drinking water, the Federal Environment Agency warns
Worrying results from the investigation of drinking water and bodies of water in Germany Four studies by the Federal Environment Agency are sounding the alarm: German bodies of water and drinking water resources[open post...]
Water filters versus health disadvantages of mineral water and plastic bottles
"Öko-Test": Carcinogenic chromium detected in mineral water Laboratory tests of bottled water have found that they contain "man-made contaminants" which include sweeteners and pesticide breakdown products, among others. These substances can often only[open post...]
Water filter innovation: Clean drinking water thanks to compact protection against bacterial contamination
BestElements, a provider of quality water filtration systems, is proud to introduce its latest water filter, Water Savior, specifically designed to protect drinking water from bacterial contamination. With a focus on efficiency, user-friendliness and[open post...]
Infertility? Sperm quality in men decreases, you can do that
Sperm quality in men is declining worldwide, reflected in reduced motility, deformities and lower sperm counts in semen. One reason for this is chemicals called endocrine disruptors (EDCs), which have negative effects on hormones.[open post...]
Drug residues in sewage are increasing. Drinking water purity endangered?
Every sip of water is a kick - but involuntarily? Could this be the future if we don't take care of our drinking water? Study by the Technical University of Berlin uncovered[open post...]
Micro- and nanoplastics throughout the body: avoid PET bottles, filter tap water
Study by the Medical University of Vienna: The smallest parts of micro- and nanoplastics get into the body through food and drinking water, and even into the brain. The blood-brain barrier does not present[open post...]
Drugs: Remove ibuprofen, diclofenac, carbamazepine & Co with a water filter
Ibuprofen, Diclofenac and Carbamazepine Pharmaceuticals in wastewater are a well-known environmental problem Drugs in wastewater are a known environmental problem Environmentalists and authorities in Europe and the US have compiled a list of drugs that[open post...]
Water filter against drug residues in drinking water
Problem and filtering: Drug residues in drinking water 70 to 100 percent of active pharmaceutical ingredients can be released by the body when they are excreted. The active ingredients are then still active.[open post...]
Prostate cancer study: Long-term exposure to nitrate and chlorine in drinking water
Nitrate and trihalomethanes (THM) in drinking water are common and potentially carcinogenic to humans. One study examined the relationship between nitrate pollution in drinking water and THMs and their impact on prostate cancer. 62.230[open post...]
PFAS poison of the century detectable everywhere
An investigation by NDR, WDR and SZ has shown that the problem with the poison of the century PFAS is much greater in Germany than previously assumed. The industrially produced chemicals have been detected[open post...]
Water filter: Drugs detectable in drinking water
Pharmaceuticals are now widespread in the environment and are often found in drinking water. Information on risks and side effects is available, but often not accessible. Experts clearly criticize this. Negotiations are now underway[open post...]
Complaint: Legal limit in the water exceeded
Toxic mercury in water bodies Complaint for clean water German environmental aid The German Environmental Aid (DUH) wants to legally oblige the state of North Rhine-Westphalia to take more action against harmful[open post...]
Nitrate in drinking water increases the risk of colon cancer, antibiotics in drinking water
Nitrate in drinking water increases the risk of colon cancer even at concentrations below the specified limit Nitrate can be converted into carcinogenic substances in the body. Scientists found that people whose drinking[open post...]
Reduce skin reactions, hair problems and limescale deposits when showering
Skin reactions or hair problems can be caused by too much lime, chlorine or residues in the shower water or when bathing. Although the tap water is examined, many substances are not taken into[open post...]
Men produce fewer and fewer sperm – when is fertility at risk?
The number of sperm in men has fallen sharply worldwide within four decades. A meta-study by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem HUJI is based on data from over 57,000 men from 53 countries. According[open post...]
Water filters help against nitrate, lead and nickel, phosphate and PFT in drinking water
Important reasons to use water filters at home in Germany Reason for water filter: Drinking water taps tested positive for pollutants Too much lead and nickel in drinking water Water analyzes[open post...]