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Hydrogen in medical applications: conference, research and latest cancer studies

  • Wasserstoff Forschung Medizin

Hydrogen in medical applications: conference, research and latest cancer studies

Latest innovations in molecular hydrogen research

Summit on Molecular Hydrogen in Medical Applications: At the MHI H2 Summit, leading researchers come together to explore the latest advances in molecular hydrogen research. The aim of the researchers and users is to educate people about the therapeutic properties of molecular hydrogen in hydrogen-rich drinking water, hydrogen inhalation and other possible applications, to raise awareness of molecular hydrogen as a medical gas and to advance research through the exchange of current scientific work and studies.

Speakers include leading academics, scientists, researchers, physicians, medical professionals such as Dr. John Kheir, MD., Harvard Medical School; Prof. Shigeo Ohta, PhD., Nippon Medical University; Prof. Mami Noda, PhD., RUDN-Universität; Dr. Tyler W. LeBaron, MSc., PhD., Molecular Hydrogen Institute; Dr. Shucun Qin, MD, PhD., Universität Shandong; Prof. Xunjun Sun, PhD., Universität von China; Prof. Xuemei Ma, PhD., University Peking; Dr. Gagandeep Dhillon, MD, MBA., University of Maryland; Prof. Qianjun He, PhD., Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Prof. Kyu Jae Lee, MD, PhD., Yonsei University; Dr. Dmitrii Atiakshin, MD. RUDN-University; Dr. Oleg Medvedev, MD, PhD., Lomonosov Moscow State University and many other luminaries in research on the application of molecular hydrogen.


200+ Clinical Studies


200+ Disease Models


3000+ Scientific Papers

Topics within the medical application of hydrogen, development and future mission of hydrogen medicine

Effectiveness of hydrogen applications

Methods of hydrogen intake: Hydrogen (or Brown’s gas) inhalation, drinking as hydrogen-rich drinking water and topical application; Therapeutic mechanisms: Antioxidative, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects of molecular hydrogen

The application of molecular hydrogen is a very growing topic. The areas of application are extremely diverse and convincing. The following areas of application for dysfunctions will be intensively investigated at the conference and research results will be presented to the public:

Source: h2mhisummit.org

Hydrogen in cancer therapy


  1. Two weeks of hydrogen inhalation can significantly reverse the senescence of the adaptive and innate immune systems in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer.
  2. In advanced lung cancer, attempts are made to strengthen the immune system to prevent the cancer from coming back after treatment. One study examined how hydrogen inhalation affects the immune systems of patients with lung cancer. Patients inhaled a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen daily for two weeks [known as Brown’s gas inhalation]. The results showed that hydrogen therapy significantly improved the patients’ immune systems: exhausted and weakened immune cells became more active again and the number of important defense cells increased. The study suggests that hydrogen could play a positive role in the treatment of lung cancer.
  3. In advanced lung cancer, chemotherapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy are used, but these treatments often have severe side effects. A study of 58 patients examined whether hydrogen inhalation can help alleviate these side effects. The patients inhaled hydrogen for 4-5 hours a day for five months. The results showed that the patients who inhaled hydrogen in addition to cancer treatment had fewer side effects than the control group. In addition, the patients who received hydrogen lived longer without the cancer progressing. The study suggests that hydrogen inhalation can control tumor growth and reduce side effects in cancer therapy.

Sources: Medical Gas Research

User opinion about BestElements Hydrogen/Browns Gas Inhalers

Detailed customer reviews as an example of numerous user experiences

Studies: Hydrogen in therapy

Powerful hydrogen generators for everyday use overview

Mobile hydrogen boosters with high performance values for better personal performance

The following powerful hydrogen boosters, hydrogen filters for hydrogen-rich drinking water and hydrogen inhalers for inhaling hydrogen are very suitable for everyday use, they are certified and reliably supply our body cells with this valuable elixir of life.

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