hydrogen pure water clean air

Studies and experiences on hydrogen-rich water and H2 inhalation

  • Studien Wasserstoff Therapie

Studies and experiences on hydrogen-rich water and H2 inhalation

Molecular Hydrogen and Health

Research into the effects of hydrogen includes studies conducted on around 170 diseases. Despite predominantly serious illnesses, consistently positive results were achieved. In all clinical and animal studies, there were no negative side effects of hydrogen. In addition to its antioxidant potential, hydrogen is also able to reduce inflammatory mediators in inflammation. (1)

The 2013 study by Oshawa (2), in which the antioxidant effect of hydrogen in relation to free radicals was demonstrated, was progressive. It was shown that the antioxidant molecular hydrogen also has analgesic, antiallergic, anticarcinoma, antiinflammatory and cell protective effects. It is noteworthy that the antioxidant effect of hydrogen only eliminates the free radicals that have a negative effect on the cell organism, without affecting the positive and protective oxidative processes in the body. Hydrogen therefore has a very special property: it only neutralizes the dangerous free radicals, i.e. it acts as a selective antioxidant. Hydrogen does not interact with the body’s vital oxidation processes and does not affect any vital substances. (3)

Hydrogen therapy mega studies combine over 550 individual studies

In the study by Ichihara et al. In 2015, the results of 321 studies were summarized. Many diseases treated with hydrogen were described in this study. Another review study was published in 2016 by Nicolson et al. published, in which a total of 338 studies on the positive effects of hydrogen applications were evaluated. (4)

Both mega-review studies have shown that hydrogen is not only beneficial in the treatment of acute and chronic diseases, but can also improve physical performance, slow down the aging process and promote good health. (5)

Hydrogen is life

Pharmaceutical drugs are helpful and effective at best, but sometimes drugs have limited effects. However, side effects are described in the package leaflet, which in many cases require additional medication. The effectiveness of certain vitamin supplements has often been questioned. But: vitamins are hydrogen compounds! First breast milk, such as colostrum, contains high levels of hydrogen peroxide. Carbohydrates that we ingest through our food are hydrogen compounds. (6)

Molecular hydrogen is able to cross cell membranes and even reach the mitochondria and nucleus. The molecule also crosses the blood-brain barrier and the blood-testis barrier. Due to its small size, hydrogen has the ability to penetrate every cell, including the nucleus and mitochondria. (7)

Wasserstoff Behandlung Studie

Since hydrogen has good tissue distribution properties, it only takes a short time to diffuse through the body. Hydrogen-dissolved water disperses throughout the body within 10 minutes of drinking. When inhaled, the process lasts up to an hour after inhalation. (8th)

After binding H2 with free radicals, oxygen oxidation residues, no harmful compounds remain in the body. H2 combines to form H2O – water – and is excreted. Areas of interference are eliminated and the energy metabolism restored. Life energy can flow again and activate self-healing powers. (9)

Hydrogen in therapy

Disease entity: With these diseases (selection), hydrogen was used for therapies and/or studies carried out (10)

The life-extending and performance-enhancing effects of hydrogen

Circulatory disorders and cardiovascular diseases
Hydrogen treatment after a heart attack has been found to significantly reduce the area of heart muscle damage.

After a two-week hydrogen treatment, a drug anti-allergic therapy could be ended.

Positive results have been obtained in the case of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Improved skin appearance with scars, mood brightening, immune boosting and a positive influence on neuropathy symptoms

A clinical study in stroke patients has shown significant reductions in infarct size and faster normalization of tissue morphology in the hydrogen-treated group.

After a cardiac arrest, the brain, the organ in our body most dependent on oxygen, can be damaged. Studies have shown that this can be reduced by using hydrogen.

Studies with hydrogen on glaucoma and diabetic retinopathycould reduce ischemic damage to the retina.

When animals with risk factors for developing atherosclerosis were given hydrogen-enriched water for six months, the development of this disease was lower compared to a control group without hydrogen but with the same risk factors.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)is associated with excessive activation of specific inflammatory cells such as macrophages, T-lymphocytes and fibroblasts in the lung tissue. It is caused by oxidative stress, which can be triggered by smoking and is associated with chronic inflammation. In animal models, researchers found evidence that hydrogen inhalation may be an effective treatment for this disease.

Brain and Nerve DisordersIn a study in animals, injection of hydrogen saline reduced inflammation of acute pancreatitis.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney damage

Results from animal studies have indicated that hydrogen can be used to successfully treat Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, ALS, traumatic nerve injury and bipolar disorder.

In a study of Parkinson’s, a group of patients drank a liter of hydrogen-enriched water per day. The control group and drank plain water. After 48 weeks, the researchers noticed a worsening of symptoms in the control group, while symptoms improved significantly in the hydrogen group.

In one study, researchers found an improvement in mood and anxiety after study participants drank 600 ml of hydrogen-enriched water daily.

Using hydrogen-enriched water for drinking reduces oxidative stress in the liver, which results in decreased fat storage.

LDL vs. HDLCholesterol: Hydrogen therapy increased the HDL content and decreased the LDL content, which reduces the risk of arteriosclerosis .

In a study of patients with malignant liver tumors (hepatocellular carcinoma) who were also receiving radiation therapy, the patients who drank 1.5 to 2 liters of hydrogen-enriched water daily for eight weeks had significantly less reductions in radiation therapy-related effects Side effects, such as loss of appetite and loss of taste compared to the control group.

Hydrogen therapy is also used in cancer research. Positive results have been noted in the treatment of tongue carcinoma, colon carcinoma, liver tumor, thymus lymphoma, leukemiaand others. In studies, researchers found that the growth of tumor cells was suppressed by hydrogen therapy. In addition, hydrogen therapy can reduce the side effects of cytostatic therapy and radiation.

Biomarkers of oxidative stress, insulin resistance, and glucose metabolism were found to be improved. In addition, a significant improvement in LDL and improvement in insulin production(56%) were observed in this study.

Erectile dysfunction as a complication of diabetes can be improved by hydrogen.

In a study of patients with psoriatic arthritis and skin lesions, hydrogen-enriched water was used as a gas inhalation or as an infusion over a period of four weeks. There was a marked improvement in psoriasis symptoms, with skin symptoms almost disappearing.

Dromology/medical report: A patient with gallbladder cancer developed liver metastases and severe anemia after surgery and chemotherapy, which required blood transfusions every week. The gallbladder tumor invaded the descending part of the duodenum and caused intestinal leakage and hepatic colon adhesion. Further treatments were refused. Instead, the patient began daily inhalation of a hydrogen-oxygen mixture (Brown’s gas). After inhalation therapy and nutritional support, the intestinal obstruction was resolved. Three months later, the metastases in the abdominal cavity gradually receded, anemia and hypoalbuminemia were corrected, lymphocyte and tumor marker levels returned to normal, and the patient was discharged from the hospital. He was able to resume his normal life.

Studies of ovarian carcinoma showed a significant reduction in mean tumor volume of 32 percent.

Hydrogen has also been shown to be helpful in autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

Study of elderly patients with ulcers were given 600 ml of hydrogen-enriched water to drink daily. A significant reduction in hospital stay was observed in the hydrogen-treated group.

According to studies, hydrogen has a pain-relieving effect.

The skin-improving effect of hydrogen is used to reduce wrinkling of the skin. Within two to five days of starting the study, collagen type 1 synthesis doubled with increased fibroblast activity in this group compared to a no-hydrogen treatment control group. After a 90-day cure, the neck wrinkles were significantly reduced.

Diabetic retinopathy can be positively influenced by adding hydrogen.

Today, most diseases can be considered as chronic diseases. The positive effect of hydrogen therapies has been documented many times.

Hydrogen increases muscle performance. The effects of hydrogen in situations of physical stress were studied. Researchers found that there was a reduction in muscle damage after intense physical activity. Hydrogen led to significantly less increase in lactate build-up in muscles after excessive physical activity. Hydrogen treatment also improved exercise-induced decline in muscle function.

Hydrogen-oxygen mixture (Brown’s Gas) has been used successfully to treat pneumoniain COVID-19 patients. Studies continue to investigate the results of using a hydrogen-oxygen mixture to treat COVID-19 and other diseases.

According to a pilot study, inhalation of mixed hydrogen-oxygen gas (Brown’s gas) resulted in a significant improvement in shortness of breath in most patients with COVID-19 and was considered a “recommendation for the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19”.

With a hydrogen application, the structuring of the cell and tissue water can be improved with the help of the energy supplied, which has a positive effect on all metabolic processes in the body.

Breathing hydrogen gas could reduce airway inflammation and oxidative stress from air pollution. There was even a significant inhibitory effect on the magnitude of the systemic inflammatory response. Hydrogen inhalation can improve respiratory symptoms such as coughing.

Hydrogen may be effective in treating multiple organ dysfunction caused by influenza and other viral infections, making it a promising new protectant against influenza and other serious viral infections. The good results achieved so far with hydrogen-oxygen mixtures (Brown’s gas) in the treatment of COVID-19 confirm the findings.

Source (11) “Background, Observations and Medical Data” Mohaupt E., Madl P.

Studies: Hydrogen in therapy

Brown’s Gas and Pure Hydrogen

A hydrogen/oxygen mixture in a ratio of 2:1 is referred to as Brown’s gas. The beneficial effects of hydrogen also apply to Brown’s Gas. In addition, Brown’s Gas is said to have an additional “energizing” effect, which is called a “more positive attitude to life” or “energy boost”. The assumed reason for this is a high-energy s.g. “Water Plasma”. Since Brown’s Gas consists of two-thirds hydrogen, it can be assumed that the positive results of the hydrogen studies also apply to Brown’s Gas. (12)

Hydrogen and conventional medicine

The use of hydrogen has been shown not to interfere with conventional medical therapy. It can therefore be used as a supplementary treatment in addition to conventional medicine. It can shorten the treatment time in hospitals, which has great health and economic benefits. The use of hydrogen as a main or complementary part of a clinical treatment can thus be justified.

A large number of studies clearly demonstrate the positive effects of hydrogen on health. Human studies are increasingly being conducted for both hydrogen and Brown’s Gas. According to the current state of research, no negative side effects have been identified. (13)

Possibilities of absorbing hydrogen for therapy or prophylaxis

“Hydrogen can be inhaled as a gas or drunk as hydrogen-enriched water. Neither inhaled nor orally overdosed, since excess of this gas is simply exhaled. If you drink more hydrogen-rich water, excess hydrogen is also exhaled.”

Powerful hydrogen generators for everyday use overview

Mobile hydrogen boosters with high performance values for better personal performance

The following powerful hydrogen boosters, hydrogen filters for hydrogen-rich drinking water and hydrogen inhalers for inhaling hydrogen are very suitable for everyday use, they are certified and reliably supply our body cells with this valuable elixir of life.

Sources 1-13:

Publications Dr. Elke Mohaupt, Madl P.

Kato et al., 2012

Ishibashi et al., 2012

Aoki et al., 2012

Qian et al., 2013

Tsubone et al., 2013

Yoritaka et al., 2013

Chen et al., 2013

Gartz, 2014

Ichihara et al., 2015

Chen et al., 2015

Nicolson et al., 2016

Gong et al., 2016

Hu et al. 2017

Ono et al., 2017

Tamura et al., 2017

Settineri et al. 2018

Shang et al., 2018

Shang L., Lebaron TW et.al., Transl Cancer Res 2018

Chen et al., 2019

Wiseman, 2019

NHC, 2020

LeBaron, 2020


DocMedicus, 2020

Disclaimer: These studies and citations suggest very positive aspects of hydrogen therapy, but should not be taken as conclusive evidence. They serve as information and do not replace medical diagnostics, advice or conventional medical therapy. No promises of healing can be given, each user must take responsibility for themselves. The science of hydrogen therapy is evolving and more research is needed.

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