ActivePure® technology is considered one of the most advanced methods for cleaning indoor air and surfaces. Originally developed by NASA for use in space travel, this innovative technology now ensures clean, healthy air in living and working spaces around the world. ActivePure® air purifiers are characterized by their ability to effectively eliminate pollutants in real time both in the air and on surfaces.

Reliable fight against viruses, bacteria and mold spores

ActivePure® technology works with a special oxidation process in which safe and powerful oxidation molecules are released into the room air. These molecules specifically attack viruses, bacteria, mold spores and other microorganisms and destroy them directly in the air and on surfaces. Unlike conventional air purifiers that only filter particles, ActivePure® actively neutralizes pathogens and thus effectively reduces the risk of infection. This is particularly important in areas with a high density of people such as schools, offices, doctor’s offices and clinics.

Protection against pollutants and allergens

In addition to pathogens, ActivePure® technology also removes pollutants such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), fine dust and chemical residues from the air. These substances are often caused by furniture, paints, cleaning agents or heaters and can lead to health problems. ActivePure® air purifiers offer considerable relief, especially for allergy sufferers and asthmatics. The reduction of allergens such as pollen, house dust mites and animal hair ensures noticeably better breathing air and alleviates typical complaints such as shortness of breath, coughing and irritation of the respiratory tract.

Real-time disinfection for maximum safety

An outstanding feature of ActivePure® technology is its continuous and immediate effect. The active molecules fight pathogens and pollutants around the clock – not only in the air, but also on frequently touched surfaces such as tables, door handles and work surfaces. This creates a permanently hygienic environment that significantly reduces the risk of cross-contamination. This real-time disinfection offers an invaluable advantage, especially in medical facilities, nursing homes and daycare centers.

Support for asthmatics and allergy sufferers

ActivePure® air purifiers significantly improve the quality of life of people with asthma and allergies. The constant removal of allergens and irritants from the room air noticeably alleviates symptoms such as shortness of breath, coughing and mucous membrane irritation. Especially during pollen season or when fine dust pollution is high, ActivePure® devices create a noticeably clean and healthy environment in which those affected can breathe freely.

Public service reporting on ActivePure®

The effectiveness of ActivePure® technology has also attracted media attention. German public television has already broadcast reports on the special technology and its impressive effect on air and surface cleaning. This underlines the high relevance and trust in the innovative technology, which ensures greater safety and health in both private and public facilities.

All-round protection: Air purifier with NASA ActivePure® technology

The Electrical Guild also supports ActivePure® technology (Source: Morgenmagazin ARD/ZDF Germany)

Many tenants and property owners are struggling with mold problems in their apartments. The exterior walls are often particularly affected – they recently had to be completely renovated. Mold often forms behind furniture such as cupboards. Even a quick wipe with a cloth was enough to spread visible mold particles around the room. But even more worrying is what cannot be seen with the naked eye: invisible mold spores in the air.

To counteract this, residents are now testing an innovative technology. A special device produces so-called oxygen radicals that specifically attack foreign substances in the air. “I suffer from asthma and hope that this will help me cope better with the indoor air. I have been sick more often recently and would like to see if that improves,” explains one of the residents.

The electrical guild relies on this advanced technology called ActivePure®. NASA has been using these active oxygen compounds since 2009 to keep the air and surfaces in space stations germ-free. The molecules produced are released into the room air, spread according to the law of gases at a speed of up to 200 meters per second and attach themselves specifically to pollutants such as viruses, bacteria, pollen, allergens and mold spores in order to render them harmless.

UV light is used to produce these active oxygen molecules. It splits the room air and forms reactive molecules that effectively kill pathogens. In an office where this technology is used, there have been no more outbreaks of disease since then. “In the past, half the team would become infected within a few days if someone was sick. Now that doesn’t happen,” reports an employee.

The manufacturer promises an effectiveness of up to 99%. While microbiologists basically confirm how it works, they are critical of the stated efficiency. They warn against relying exclusively on such technology, as this could lead to negligence in general hygiene – especially hand hygiene. Nevertheless, residents Jan and Pfeifer continue to test the effects of the technology in their apartment.

One advantage: the new technology is free of known side effects.

Air purifier with ActivePure® technology

Air Purifier against COVID-19 (Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2), RSV…


Areas of application

This air purifier is designed for small and medium-sized rooms up to approx. 40 m² such as doctor’s surgeries, medical offices, treatment and patient rooms, pharmacies, sales rooms, small to medium-sized shops and offices, households…

Air purifier PURE & CLEAN with anti-virus technology


Areas of application

Medical facilities, practices, clinics, gastronomy, hotels, retirement and nursing homes, schools, offices, government and administrative facilities, churches, sports facilities, trade fairs and exhibitions, conferences and congresses, major events, customer and waiting areas, households…

Air purifier BEYOND GUARDIAN AIR with anti-virus technology


Areas of application

The AERUS MOBILE® is designed for cars, motor vehicles, driver and passenger cabins from 5 m² to 15 m² per filter device and is used in cars for car pools, driving schools, taxis, in gondolas and cable cars, ship, airplane and helicopter pilot cabins as well as with several devices in the network in buses, trains, trains and airplanes…

ActivePure® technology is considered by experts to be the most powerful air and surface cleaning technology ever discovered and is the only exclusive air and surface cleaning technology to receive the prestigious Certivated Space Technology seal of approval from NASA’s Space Foundation. ActivePure® is the only air purification technology in the world to be inducted into the Space Foundation’s Hall of Fame as the only certified space technology. ActivePure® is still in use today on the International Space Station.