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Hydrogen Therapy and Brown’s Gas: Prophylaxis and H2-Therapy of Diseases

Hydrogen Therapy and Brown’s Gas: Prophylaxis and H2-Therapy of Diseases

As part of the global H2-MHI summit, researchers and especially Tyler W. LeBaron answered questions about hydrogen and its therapeutic application. Tyler W. LeBaron, MSc., PhD. is a respected expert on hydrogen and has doctorates in molecular biology, biochemistry and philosophy. LeBaron is the director and executive director of the scientifically oriented, non-profit Molecular Hydrogen Institute MHI in the USA. The MHI is a non-profit organization that is committed to research and development as a basis for hydrogen therapy.

Molecular hydrogen proven as therapy

Having already published extensively in the past on the applications of hydrogen in medicine, the researchers are currently explaining in a webinar with Tyler LeBaron the remarkable properties and health benefits of molecular hydrogen (H₂) for the human body, especially in the treatment of serious diseases such as cancer. Natural, molecular hydrogen, which occurs in nature and consists of two H₂ atoms, has significant therapeutic effects. The following topics were explained in a question and answer session:

Introductory topics in the discussion revolve around the safe production of hydrogen gas using devices with a special, integrated electrolysis unit. With this prerequisite, molecular hydrogen has proven to be safe in clinical applications, as no relevant side effects are known. Further clinical studies are being conducted to understand and further validate the full therapeutic potential of hydrogen in addition to the performance-enhancing component.

Particularly interesting is the finding that hydrogen, which is also produced naturally in a healthy gut microbiome to a certain extent, can help people live longer. Molecular hydrogen has shown great potential in cancer treatment. Researchers have found that H₂’s strong antioxidant effect can reduce oxidative stress in cancer cells without affecting healthy cells. This could be a key factor in reducing side effects of chemotherapy. H₂ acts selectively against harmful free radicals, especially hydroxyl radicals, which lead to increased oxidative stress in cancer cells. This antioxidant property could help improve the quality of life of cancer patients and could be used alongside conventional therapy.

In addition, there are promising signs of the health benefits of hydrogen in other chronic diseases, including diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, and cardiovascular diseases. Clinical studies show positive results in reducing inflammation and improving cell function, which underlines the therapeutic versatility of H₂. Further comprehensive, long-term studies are being conducted before a final recommendation can be made by health authorities such as the FDA.

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Absorption of molecular hydrogen in therapy

Hydrogen can be supplied to the body in various ways. Hydrogen-rich drinking water can be produced using high-quality hydrogen boosters. If you want to take in more hydrogen than the recommended daily intake for therapeutic or prophylactic reasons, hydrogen inhalers are the right alternative. This allows users to take in hydrogen for up to several hours a day.

Hydrogen and Oxygen: Brown’s Gas in Therapy

The BestElements inhalers work with distilled water, which means they are almost maintenance-free and can be set up and used at home, as well as in therapy centers, inhalation centers and clinics. The devices are simple and easy to use, descriptions are included and videos are available online.

H2 research results from other sources

Does hydrogen also help against nitrosative stress?

There is evidence that hydrogen, either in drinking water or inhaled, can help combat nitrosative stress. Nitrosative stress is caused by an excess of reactive nitrogen species (RNS) such as nitric oxide (NO) and peroxynitrite, which can damage cells. Hydrogen is considered a powerful antioxidant that can neutralize reactive oxygen species (ROS) and RNS.

Studies have shown that molecular hydrogen can specifically reduce peroxynitrite, a major cause of nitrosative stress. This could lead to a protective effect by reducing cell damage caused by nitrosative stress, which plays a role in conditions such as inflammation, neurodegenerative diseases and cancer.

Inhaling hydrogen gas or drinking hydrogen-enriched water has been used in both animal and human studies and has shown positive results in reducing oxidative and nitrosative stress. However, research is still ongoing and further studies are needed to fully understand the exact mechanism and clinical applications.

Energy metabolism: Hydrogen is crucial for ATP production

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) serves as the main energy source in the body. Mitochondria in our cells can be seen as the “energy powerhouses” for the body; they produce ATP. Hydrogen is produced in the fourth respiratory complex of the mitochondria, which then activates and drives the fifth respiratory complex. You could say that without hydrogen there is no ATP, or rather: no energy!

In the fourth complex of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, also known as cytochrome c oxidase, oxygen is used as a terminal electron acceptor and reduced to water. During this process, protons (H+) are pumped from the mitochondrial matrix into the intermembrane space, resulting in a proton gradient. This proton gradient is crucial for the fifth complex, ATP synthase. ATP synthase uses the recycling of protons into the matrix to enable the synthesis of ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate.
Oxygen consumption and proton pumping in the fourth complex play a central role in generating this proton gradient, which drives ATP production in the fifth complex. The reduction of oxygen to water transports protons into the intermembrane space, which is crucial for chemiosmotic coupling and the formation of ATP.

Studies: Hydrogen in therapy

Powerful hydrogen generators for everyday use overview

Mobile hydrogen boosters with high performance values for better personal performance

The following powerful hydrogen boosters, hydrogen filters for hydrogen-rich drinking water and hydrogen inhalers for inhaling hydrogen are very suitable for everyday use, they are certified and reliably supply our body cells with this valuable elixir of life.

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