6 tips how our body can absorb water well
Drink enough water
Those who drink a lot in the long run feel fitter and can also become more mentally efficient. A lot of fluids also have a positive effect on the appearance – the skin looks more radiant and plumped. When our body is dehydrated, the skin is more likely to dry out.
In many cases we drink too little and due to the fluid deficit, many bodily functions only run to a limited extent or to a reduced extent.
Drink still water
Anyone who does not add carbonic acid to tap water drinks still water. This has the advantage that it is easier to drink more. Bubbling water can cause gas or frequent belching. Especially those who suffer from heartburn should rather use still (tap) water.
Minerals are important – too much sodium can be harmful
One reason why some people are more likely to choose bottled water from the supermarket is because of its mineral content. Minerals are important substances for the body and are sometimes found in higher amounts in water from the supermarket than in tap water. In general, however, we take minerals in with our food. We cannot meet our mineral needs with bottled water. More on this in: Where do I get minerals from without mineral water
However, higher amounts of sodium can be unhealthy and affect blood pressure and the cardiovascular system. With a balanced diet, the body should absorb enough sodium anyway. The salt sodium chloride is our common salt. The WHO and other experts warn against too much salt: it leads to high blood pressure and destroys important intestinal bacteria.
Hard or soft water – water filters against limescale
The lime content of tap water is divided into degrees of hardness. Water with a high calcium content is considered hard water, less hard water is considered soft. Lime consists of magnesium and calcium, which are dissolved in the water as magnesium hydrogen carbonate and calcium hydrogen carbonate.
Rainwater has been supplying living things for millions of years and has not dissolved any magnesium or calcium. The important minerals magnesium and calcium are mainly found in many foods. If you prefer pure, soft water for your body, you should filter it beforehand. Household appliances are also grateful for water with a low calcium content. BE WAV water filters remove limescale.

What do water filters do?
Tap water can contain undesirable and untested substances.
Only relatively few ingredients in the water are tested. The Drinking Water Ordinance requires 40-50 substances to be tested, experts speak of 10 to 20 times the amount of dissolved substances in the water. Drug residues, hormone-like substances, drug residues, viruses, heavy metals, radioactive substances, chemical residues and their new compounds since they were present in the water cycle are just a few examples. In many cases, these substances cannot be filtered through the filter stages of the waterworks.
In order to filter these substances from drinking water, ultra-pure filter devices are required. Reverse osmosis is a molecular-based technology and is purer than nanofiltration. These filter devices reliably remove even the smallest impurities. The quality of these filter devices themselves plays a major role. Only the purest materials can ensure that you get the purest drinking water.
Pure drinking water right at home
Better environmental balance with tap water
The improved environmental balance should also be positively emphasized. Tap water usually comes directly from the region and does not have to travel long distances. According to the consumer advice center, the climate impact of mineral water in Germany is almost 600 times higher than that of tap water. The manufacture, cleaning, filling and disposal of the bottles also have a negative impact on the environmental balance. According to the German Environmental Aid, two million plastic bottles are used in one hour in this country.
Tap water is many times cheaper
In addition, you can save a lot of money by using tap water. Even cheap mineral water in the supermarket or discount store costs many times more than tap water.