Hydrogen-rich drinking water as a heart-warming sun
Hydrogen is the primary element of our universe and the basic fuel of our sun. This energy, which flows through the sun onto our earth, could provide humanity with 5,000 times more energy, even if all of the almost 8 billion people had a Central European standard of living, as the author Ulrike Hermann writes in one of her books.
Hydrogen provides our planetary system with energy. The latest hydrogen research as a regenerative energy resource allows us to look to the future of renewable energies with confidence. But what about us humans? Can we process hydrogen and use it as an energy source?
A clear YES! And we already do it every day. Carbohydrates in our food are suppliers of hydrogen, the molecular formula is CH2O – a hydrate (water compound) of carbon. Vitamins are hydrogen compounds. Hydrogen molecules support our energy metabolism in the body and help to supply our cells with nutrients. And! Hydrogen is a natural, key antioxidant and helps our body defend itself against unloved free radicals.
Free radicals are oxygen compounds and are created during our daily metabolism as “waste” and are favored by hectic, stress, poor nutrition, bad breath and smoking. These waste products are deposited in the cells, especially in the mitochondria, and if they are not broken down, they make life difficult for us, rob us of energy in our cells, lead to exhaustion and premature aging. The complexion becomes dull and slack, our physical and mental performance decreases. Chronic diseases are forced and so-called civilization diseases are spreading.
Is your lifestyle and diet balanced, or could you need support to become more fit, focused and well-being?
When your body needs more antioxidants
What is your personal lifestyle like? Is the balance right, or do free radicals in your body temporarily get the upper hand and do you feel tired? Hectic and stress cannot always be avoided in our everyday lives, and nutrition and vices may not always be optimal. You can test here how strong free radicals are in your body and what that means in relation to premature aging.
The only good news: Restrictions caused by a lifestyle that is not always optimal can be minimized very easily and significantly. Here, too, hydrogen is the solution – on a large and small scale! Hydrogen as an energy source can be absorbed through drinking water rich in hydrogen. Numerous studies prove its exclusive positive effect. Illness, depression and anxiety are reduced, the premature aging process is eliminated and the body and mind can shine like a rising sun again.
The new generation of mobile hydrogen boosters
The solution is hydrogen generators that enrich drinking water with gaseous hydrogen or inhalers that enrich breathing air with hydrogen.
Hydrogen boosters enrich drinking water with gaseous dissolved hydrogen. The mobile hydrogen generators are handy, can be easily transported and recharged after several runs. One filling is enough for a glass of water, which is prepared in 5 or 10 minutes. It is clear and still once fortified and is an excellent thirst quencher. With every sip, gaseous dissolved H2 enters your organism and simply converts free radicals into water and frees your body from energy thieves. There is no such thing as too much, everything that the body does not need is bound in stock or discarded. It is suitable for all ages without restriction and several times a day!
Powerful hydrogen generators for everyday use overview
Mobile hydrogen boosters with high performance values for better personal performance
The following powerful hydrogen boosters, hydrogen filters for hydrogen-rich drinking water and hydrogen inhalers for inhaling hydrogen are very suitable for everyday use, they are certified and reliably supply our body cells with this valuable elixir of life.