Information about the purity of drinking water and air and filter options with efficient filter technology
(Deutsch) Radium im Mineralwasser – Stiftung Warentest prüfte
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. Stiftung Warentest vergleicht Mineralwasser und Leitungswasser Die Stiftung Warentest hat geprüft, was in den Mineralwässern drin ist: Im Test fanden wir in wenigen Produkten Spuren von Abbauprodukten von Pflanzenschutzmitteln, eine Reihe von[open post...]
WHO gives massively stricter recommendations for guidelines on air pollutants
Air pollution limits In new guidelines, the WHO recommends greatly reducing pollutants in the air: Even in low concentrations, they are hazardous to health. In Germany, particulate matter and nitrogen oxide levels in particular are too high. The World[open post...]
(Deutsch) Toxikologische Stoffe PFOA / PFOS aus dem Trinkwasser entfernen
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. In der EU ist ab 2020 die Perfluoroktansäure (PFOA) verboten. PFOA baut sich in der Umwelt nicht ab und hat sich schon in der ganzen Welt verteilt. Für den Menschen ist die[open post...]
(Deutsch) Mögliche Trinkwasser-Verunreinigungen durch diese Stoffe
Gute Wasserfilter für reines Trinkwasser Ca. 40-50 Stoffe werden nach Vorgaben der Trinkwasserverordnung im Trinkwasser getestet. Laut öffentlicher Quellen können im Wasser „leicht 1500 Stoffe anthropogenen Ursprungs“ enthalten sein. Einschließlich Belastungen aus Umweltgiften, Industrierückstände, Gülledüngung aus Massentierhaltung,[open post...]
Well Filtered – Podcast video portal about filtering drinking water and air
Well filtered is a German podcast and video portal about filtering drinking water and air. Expert interviews are about which substances can be dissolved in drinking water and air and what effects they can have on health. Well filtered[open post...]
Best air filters, costs and help against corona viruses, fine dust, pollen and much more
Best Air Purifier In addition to stationary filter systems, mobile air filters / air purifiers are a very efficient way of removing impurities and pollutants from the air. A combination of effective HEPA filter levels, UV light, activated carbon[open post...]
(Deutsch) Hormone und Mikroverunreinigungen im Trinkwasser potenziell erhebliche Auswirkungen auf die menschliche Gesundheit
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. Die Auswirkungen von Mikroverunreinigungen am Ausgang von Kläranlagen auf die Umwelt sind unbestritten 286 Mikroschadstoffe wurden identifiziert, die von der Europäischen Union als prioritär eingestuft werden. Der Mangel an Rohdaten und Informationen[open post...]
(Deutsch) Pathogene Mikroorganismen im Trinkwasser
Gute Wasserfilter für reines Trinkwasser Ca. 40-50 Stoffe werden nach Vorgaben der Trinkwasserverordnung im Trinkwasser getestet. Laut öffentlicher Quellen können im Wasser „leicht 1500 Stoffe anthropogenen Ursprungs“ enthalten sein. Einschließlich Belastungen aus Umweltgiften, Industrierückstände, Gülledüngung aus Massentierhaltung,[open post...]
Information Contact and FAQ’s
Info Hydrogen Information Drinking Water Air purity information Contact & Consultation Personal contact for individual questions Contact Infothek Information about drinking water and air Infothek [open post...]
(Deutsch) eBook Corona Einschränkungen und Lösungen in Kitas
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.Leitfaden Kitabetrieb in Coronazeiten Wertvolle Tipps in einem eBook für Kitas mit konkreten Anleitungen zur Umsetzung Pädagogen, Führungskräfte und Fachpersonal im aktiven Berufsleben in Kitas in Deutschland Wie kann ich in Pandemiezeiten[open post...]
Drinking water filter overview · line values · comparison
BE WA1 Mobile RO direct flow filter device Flexible basic model · Purest drinking water for households, offices and mobile purposes · Economic reverse osmosis water filter · Made in Germany Removal of contaminants such as germs, bacteria and[open post...]
Mobile air purifiers for classrooms, classrooms for schools and day care centers
Healthy air in schools and day-care centers The individual filter stages combined in the device and the effective interaction are decisive for the correct air filter. Criteria are the amount of air in the room, which should be removed from[open post...]
Study: Fine dust pollution increases the risk of dementia
4,000 people examined A project to determine air pollution and other risk factors for dementia began in the late 1970s. The second project started in 1994. Details were published in "Environmental Health Perspectives". According to the experts, a low[open post...]
Study: Air pollutants multiply the risk of cramping and painful menstrual cramps
Health: 33 times increased risk Bad air not only affects nature and the environment, but also especially the reproductive organs of girls and women. Researchers from Taiwan have now been able to prove this with a study. According to[open post...]
Test result drinking water test after filtering the water with a filter device from the BestElements WA series
Carry out a water test yourself
Become sales partner, merchant, affiliate dealer for filter devices for drinking water and air
Future market for pure drinking water, clean air and hydrogen enrichment Press reports about contaminated drinking water and pollutants in the air are increasing more and more. Fundamental and global solutions are not yet in sight. People question[open post...]
How good is reverse osmosis – osmosis working principle of water filters
Biological, natural, vital Osmosis is a biological, natural and vital process that happens permanently in our cells and other living beings. Osmosis represents the saturation balance that our cell water strives to achieve in the body. When consuming[open post...]
About energizing, structuring and vitalizing in the water
Lösung für reines Trinkwasser Trinkwasser-Filtergräte gegen Verunreinigungen Unterstützend kann die Bereicherung des Trinkwassers mit gasförmig gelöstem Wasserstoff als natürliches Antioxidans sein, um Freie Radikale in den Zellen zu binden und zu entfernen.[open post...]
Where can I get minerals from without mineral water?
Rain does not contain minerals. Rain is pure water that condenses again after it has evaporated and has supplied plants, animals and people for thousands of years. Rainwater does not contain any minerals; it was only when it seeped[open post...]
Information about hydrogen bottles and inhalers : Test and recommendation
Mobile hydrogen bottles and hydrogen inhalers Hydrogen Bottles: Test and Comparison Hydrogen Inhalers: Test and Comparison Interview hydrogen
(Deutsch) Grenzwerte Trinkwasser Leitwert permanent angehoben
Lösung für reines Trinkwasser Trinkwasser-Filtergräte gegen Verunreinigungen
One should keep this in mind when buying air filter devices
What are common air quality issues? Due to current environmental conditions, we are exposed to the presence of floating and invisible microparticles every time we breathe. The increased air pollution inevitably increases the amount of chemical, physical[open post...]
Toxins Environmental toxins in the body – detection and removal
Heavy metal loads in our body Loads - primarily heavy metals - can be found in almost all of us According to doctor and health teacher Raik Garve, the most common toxins in us are: 1st place [open post...]
Determine body stress with epigenetic hair root analysis
Hair root analysis: determine exposure Comprehensive hair root analysis Find out the state of your immune system, vitamin / mineral balance, pollution from the environment (esmog, radiation, environmental toxins, parasites). Comprehensive results Just an investigation 4 hairs with hair roots[open post...]