Information about the purity of drinking water and air and filter options with efficient filter technology
Mobile room air filters at home
In our polluted environment, the air is constantly exposed to pollutants. This can lead to various problems such as asthma, sleep problems, allergies, cancer, liver disease, fatty liver and diabetes. Therefore, the air we breathe plays an important role.[open post...]
(Deutsch) Heilkraft des reinen Wassers – Probanden berichten über Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. Höhere körperliche Leistungsfähigkeit und ein wahrer Jungbrunnen: Gesundes Quellwasser hat nicht nur einen hohen Stellenwert in der Prävention, es ist auch in der Lage ‒ höchstwahrscheinlich durch seine antioxidative Wirkung ‒ Heilverläufe[open post...]
These water filters help best against lime, bacteria, viruses, drugs, hormones, EDC’s …
Water filter against pollutants in drinking water Which water filters are best suited against impurities and pollutants in drinking water? Even in Germany, tap water is not always free from contamination, as press releases show more and[open post...]
Concerns about dangers in drinking water from pharmaceuticals
Drug residues in the water could be expensive Substance inputs such as pharmaceuticals, microplastics and pesticides are already a problem for water bodies today. And in the future, the burden could increase significantly, as announced by the Federal[open post...]
Mobile room air filters for offices reduce viruses, bacteria, germs, dust and much more
Clean air in the office and in general at the workplace The BestElements filter technology reduces viruses, bacteria, germs and much more. The filtering takes place via several filter units that are used in the mobile air filter devices.[open post...]
Mobile room air filters in comparison
My advantages with mobile room air purfifer We spend more than half of our life in closed rooms. We spend 75% of the day in living rooms, offices, churches, cinemas, sports clubs, airplanes, schools, restaurants, hotel rooms, shops.[open post...]
Water and its cleansing detoxification effect
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. Ausleitung und Entgiftung Je geringer der Mineralspiegel, desto intensiver ist die entgiftende Reinigungs- und Heilwirkung des Wassers auf den Körper. Natürliches Ausleitungselement und Informationsträger mit bewährten Heilwirkungen Wasser[open post...]
Water filter: 6 tips which water is best for our body
6 tips how our body can absorb water well Drink enough water Those who drink a lot in the long run feel fitter and can also become more mentally efficient. A lot of fluids also have a[open post...]
170,000 new trees for better air in cities
BestElements in the fight against high air pollution Paris plants 170,000 new trees for better air Paris has increased the number of tree-planting operations to 10,000 a year to improve the city's air quality. With this new[open post...]
Drainage and detoxification – environmental pollution pesticides
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.Ausleiten und Entgiften Umweltbelastungen durch Pestizide und deren Rückstände stören und zerstören Ökosysteme und beschwören damit letztlich die Gefahr herauf, dass der Mensch seine eigene Lebensgrundlage vernichtet Umweltbelastung Pestizide [open post...]
Drinking water filters for industry and as standard in vehicles
Reverse osmosis drinking water filters for industry Water filter systems for industrial needs and OEM series production for vehicle manufacturers Food industry, pharmaceutical and medical technology, large kitchens, breweries Hydromechanical cavitation for water treatment for water[open post...]
Consumer protection: Buy water filters and air filters securely online
Active consumer protection with BestElements Filter Technology Safe shopping in the online shop The predominant digitalization of retail brings with it problems: Consumers often find it difficult to differentiate between serious and dubious offers. Service providers and[open post...]
Safe shopping for filter devices at BestElements with a seal of approval
Tested safety for BestElements filter technology This shop for air purifiers, water filters and hydrogen generators has been certified. Here you can safely buy air filters, drinking water filters, hydrogen boosters and accessories. The BestElements[open post...]
The sewage treatment plants do not filter out substances in tap water
If you drink tap water instead of buying it in bottles, you can save a lot of CO2. Many production steps are eliminated if the water ends up straight from the tap in the glass - for example, transport[open post...]
Best air filters, costs and help against corona viruses, fine dust, pollen and much more
Best Air Purifier In addition to stationary filter systems, mobile air filters / air purifiers are a very efficient way of removing impurities and pollutants from the air. A combination of effective HEPA filter levels, UV light, activated carbon[open post...]
Rent mobile air filters for events – seminars, congresses with a hygiene concept
Rent mobile air purifier for events Work shops, seminars, congresses in accordance with regulations and hygiene concepts Clean, pure air without germs, odors, viruses, bacteria The BestElements BE AIR8 air filters are innovative and have been[open post...]
How to equip your apartment or house with a reverse osmosis drinking water filter
Reverse osmosis filters are a very contemporary example of how modern technologies can improve our water quality. Reverse osmosis filtering filters out microorganisms that can contribute to diseases, hormone-like substances, and drug and drug residues from the water. The[open post...]
8 reasons why it is important to use air filters in your home and office
Air filters at home and in the office We all know that air pollution is not exactly a new thing. It's a problem that affects all of us, seriously. It is a problem that not only seriously harms us,[open post...]
Effective air filtration in homes, offices, conference rooms and group rooms
Use the air filter technology from BestElements to effectively filter the air in your homes, offices, conference rooms or group rooms. The special properties of the BestElements filter systems are the effective combination of high-quality filter elements with a[open post...]
Funding for mobile air filters, air purification against Aerosloe, diseases caused by pollutants in the air
How does air purification help against aerosols?Aerosols are the specter of horror for many people who worry about their health due to Corona. Air filter systems can be an alternative to masks in closed rooms. After one and a half[open post...]
Better physical exertion and regeneration with oxygen-rich drinking water
Fit in sport and everyday life with H2-rich drinking water Less signs of fatigue thanks to H2 in drinking water A booster for runners, cyclists, endurance athletes and everyday exercise Sports stress and muscle stress in everyday life are[open post...]
Professional water filters and decalcifiers at home and in the office
What helps against limescale in the water? Free tap water of good, tested quality is an important basis for a good standard of living. Nevertheless, some components in the water that are undesirable or not tested are interfering. Many[open post...]
Good water filters and safe in the long term
We have heard and read a lot about impurities or pollutants found in tap water. Decoctions due to bacteria in tap water increase as soon as heavy rains set in. Medicinal residues get into the wastewater through body excretions[open post...]
Stiftung Warentest: Some kitchen faucets emit harmful substances
Possible weak points in the drinking water installation at home From the house connection, the house owner is responsible Over the longest route - from extraction through treatment to the house connection - the water suppliers are responsible for[open post...]