hydrogen pure water clean air

Extensive Drinking IVARIO Water Test

Extensive Drinking IVARIO Water Test

BASIC WATER TEST 8 test values, a. A. the pH value as well as the conductivity

KOMBI WATER TEST19 Test values all-round test heavy metals, minerals, water hardness

PLUS WATER TEST32 test values including uranium, analysis spectrum to use tap water as drinking water

PREMIUM WATER TEST 50 test values, quality of the drinking water completely assured

FOUNTAIN & NATURE WATER TESTS 44 test values for well water, natural water, spring water

DRUG WATER TEST Drugs, drug residues and pesticides

BACTERIA & GERM WATER TESTS Bacteria and germ water tests

LEGIONELLA WATER TEST Legionella water test

PESTICIDE WATER TEST Pesticide water test

RKI WATER TEST DENTAL PRACTICE Water test for dental practices according to RKI guidelines

BABY WATER TEST Water for the preparation of baby food

IRON WATER TEST iron residues

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BASIC WATER TEST The BASIS test was developed to primarily test water from fully automatic coffee machines for lead residues and as a follow-up examination. It is limited to eight test values, a. A. the pH value as well as the conductivity.

COMBINED WATER TEST The popular all-round test now at a special price. Provides quick certainty and checks your water for numerous heavy metals, minerals, water hardness and much more. with 19 test values ​​including a great price advantage.

PLUS WATER TEST Would you like to use your tap water as drinking water and would like a broad spectrum of analysis? Particularly recommended for older pipelines / buildings. 32 test values ​​including uranium, ordered over 20,000 times!

PREMIUM WATER TEST For everyone who wants or needs to be completely assured of the quality of their drinking water, including for landlords, companies etc – especially recommended after “Corona vacancy”. 50 test values!

FOUNTAIN & NATURE WATER TESTS Suitable for well water, natural water, spring water, drinking water and much more. The various well water tests – from Basic to Plus to Premium – analyze up to 44 important test values ​​for private and commercial purposes.

DRUG WATER TEST Drinking water pollution from drug and drug residues is increasing. Here you test your water for drugs and pesticides in the tap water.

BACTERIA & GERM WATER TESTS Bacteria in drinking water are a common cause of illness. Here you will find our bacteria and germ water tests BASIS, PLUS and PREMIUM for safe drinking water quality.

LEGIONELLA WATER TEST Rule out legionella in drinking water and detect legionella infestation quickly. The Legionella water test reliably detects bacteria in the water and provides quick security.

PESTICIDE WATER TEST Pesticides are a potential hazard that gets into drinking water via the groundwater and ultimately also into the organism. You can now protect yourself with a pesticide water test.

RKI WATER TEST DENTAL PRACTICE The water test for your dental practice. The dental water test checks the water in your treatment units for Legionella, total germ count 36 ° C & Pseudomonas aeruginosa in accordance with RKI guidelines.

BABY WATER TEST Test whether your water is suitable for preparing food for babies, toddlers and expectant mothers during pregnancy. The popular water test for parents.

IRON WATER TEST Use our iron water test to find out whether there is any iron residue in your tap water, which can get into the water through pipes containing iron, for example.

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