Comprehensive water tests in the laboratory and rapid tests at home

The quality of our drinking water plays a fundamental role in our health. With the drinking water ordinance in Germany approx. 40-50 substances in drinking water are controlled and guarantee a good drinking water supply. As soon as limits are exceeded, boiling orders and drinking water alarms are issued.

However, this only applies to the measured substances. Experts estimate the substances contained in the water at up to over 1,000 substances and substance combinations. This can be drug and drug residues and much more that are not completely metabolized in the body and cannot always be completely removed by waterworks. Once they get into the drinking water cycle, it is difficult to remove these substances again. There are also many other sources where residues get into the water that are not wanted. Some residues can be detected in tap water. Their effects on our health are either unfounded, controversial, questionable or not even fully recorded.

Comprehensive IVARIO drinking water tests

Our partner IVARIO offers comprehensive laboratory drinking water tests. You can simply send in your own water samples. After a few days you will get the result of the desired drinking water values. You can choose from the following tests:

  • Basic water test 8 test values, a. A. the pH value as well as the conductivity
  • Combi water test 19 test values all-round test heavy metals, minerals, water hardness
  • Plus water test 32 test values including uranium, analysis spectrum to use tap water as drinking water
  • Premium water test 50 test values, quality of the drinking water guaranteed all round
  • Wells & nature water tests 44 test values for well water, natural water, spring water
  • Medicines water test Drugs, drug residues and pesticides
  • Bacteria & germ water tests Bacteria and germ water tests
  • Legionella water test Legionella water test
  • Pesticide water test pesticide water test
  • Rki water test dental practice water test for dental practices according to RKI guidelines
  • Baby water test water for the preparation of baby food
  • Iron water test iron residue
Ivario Wassertest

To the IVARIO laboratory drinking water tests

TDS test and pH value at home and on the go

There are other options for quick tests that you can do yourself at home or on the go with the appropriate measuring devices for water. These include the TDS test (EC test) and the test of the pH value. The TDS measures the total number of dissolved solids in the water that conduct electricity (EC). Many substances are dissolved in water as salts or salt compounds. These conduct electricity, as do heavy metals. Pure drinking water is not conductive, salt water or mineral water have a high conductivity. The lower the conductivity, the fewer conductive components are dissolved in the water. The purest rainwater, which has supplied people, animals and plants for thousands of years, often has a conductivity value of zero and does not conduct electricity – purest drinking water as well. If the TDS value in drinking water is very high, there may be a need for action. The device also measures the temperature in the water.

The pH value can be measured with the pH meter. This tells you whether the water is more basic or acidic. If the pH value of water is above 7, it is called basic or alkaline water. Values ​​below 7 are considered acidic – the middle is considered neutral. The pH value can be decisive in pools and aquariums, but it is very important in nutrition and drinking water.

TDS / EC / Temperature

Water filter for pure drinking water overview

These water filters remove bacteria, viruses, germs, limescale, PFAS, pollutants, hormones, drug residues and much more

Drinking water filter devices against contamination