hydrogen pure water clean air

One should keep this in mind when buying air filter devices

One should keep this in mind when buying air filter devices

What are common air quality issues?

Due to current environmental conditions, we are exposed to the presence of floating and invisible microparticles every time we breathe. The increased air pollution inevitably increases the amount of chemical, physical and biological pollutants inside buildings. The air quality depends on the amount of suspended matter it contains. Fine or coarse particles can linger in the air for several hours and are able to transport allergens, dust and also active viruses. (also Covid-19)

How do aerosols behave? How do Covid viruses move through the air?

In a closed environment, heavier particles can move up to 2 meters. The smaller particles and aerosols (from coughing, sneezing or speaking) can fly up to 10 meters and remain in the air for hours. Some aerosols can contain active viruses. When inhaled, these aerosols are a source of transmission. Indirect contamination can occur when touching the mouth, nose or eyes.

How can I reduce the risk of Covid-19 transmission?

Natural ventilation supported by powerful air filtration with different filter levels achieves maximum results.

How do the air filter devices work?

BE AIR air filter devices are driven by quiet fans that absorb the air from the room, guide it through various filter stages and release it as clean air. Powerful air filter devices have between 5 and 9 filter levels, including prefiltration, HEPA filtration, carbon filtration, cold catalysts, UV-C and ionizers. The levels can be switched on or off as required.

HEPA filters are highly effective at capturing suspended particles that are captured, bound and rendered harmless using the diffusion principle. These include viruses, bacteria, allergens and air as well as other pollutants. In combination with other air filter technologies (such as carbon filters, cold catalysts and UV-C light), particles can be almost completely captured and eliminated.

Air filter devices are used more and more frequently in work rooms, retail, hospitality and in private households.

What does UV-C light do?

The germicidal UV-C light is an unrivaled technology that sterilizes up to 99.9% of the particles. The ultraviolet light (UV-C) removes harmful microorganisms, viruses and bacteria. The UV light technology is also used in the health sector to disinfect rooms. the UV lamps are securely installed inside and comply with EU safety guidelines.

How are air filters operated?

There are several ways to operate the device: buttons on the device, control panel with touchscreen, remote control or WiFi app control. The options depend on the device in question.

For which industries are the air filters suitable?

Private households, home offices, offices, meeting rooms and seminars, group rooms, dormitories and reception rooms, retail, gastronomy, fitness and wellness, schools and day-care centers (KiTas) and rooms with air purity requirements.

The effectiveness of an air filter device is determined by its volume flow (CADR). This value shows how many cubic meters of clean air the device is filtering per hour.

What service do I need for my room?

Depending on the number of people and the air hazard, the room air should be completely filtered up to 6 times per hour. You determine the floor area of ​​the room and multiply by the height of the room. In the example with 3 m x 4 m base area and 2.7 m ceiling height, this results in 12 x 2.7 = 32.4 m³. Calculate this value 6 times an hour. This results in a volume air flow of 194.4 m³ / h. So all devices with a CADR / volume flow rate of more than 194.4 m³ come into question.

Can you make sure my air quality will improve?

The air quality will improve almost immediately after the devices have been set up and started up. With some filter devices you can read the air values ​​on the display. The air quality is monitored automatically via a sensor in the filter device.

9 Luftfilter im CADR Luftraten-Vergleich

UV-Licht gegen Viren und Bakterien: Die Lösung für öffentliche Einrichtungen?

„Deutschland hinkt hinterher“ Das Verfahren sei dabei an sich nicht neu. Es werde zum Beispiel in Operationssälen oder bei der Sterilisierung medizinischer Geräte eingesetzt. Und auch in der Lebensmittelindustrie finde es Anwendung. „In China beispielsweise gibt es für Busse regelrechte Reinigungsstraßen, die solche Technik nutzen… Quelle https://regionalheute.de/wolfenbuetteler-unternehmen-will-viren-und-bakterien-mit-uv-licht-bekaempfen-1605614482/

Aktiv Viren & Bakterien mit UV-C Licht Sterilisatoren bekämpfen & viren- und bakterienfreie Luft erhalten

Der Desinfektionsmechanismus basiert auf ultravioletter Strahlung. UV-C-Strahlung ist elektromagnetische Strahlung im Bereich von 200–280 Nanometer, die kleiner als das sichtbare Licht ist, aber eine längere Wellenlänge als Röntgenstrahlen hat. Diese Strahlung wirkt keimtötend: Mikroorganismen (Viren, Bakterien, Schimmelpilze), die UV-C-Licht ausgesetzt sind, werden innerhalb von Sekunden inaktiv. Für einen maximalen Sterilisationseffekt beträgt die optimale Wellenlänge der UV-C-Strahlung 264 nm… Quelle https://www.pressebox.de/inaktiv/wobitec-gmbh-leinfelden-echterdingen/Aktiv-Viren-Bakterien-mit-UV-C-Licht-Sterilisatoren-bekaempfen-viren-und-bakterienfreie-Luft-erhalten/boxid/1028485

„CADR (Clearn Air Delivery Rate) bezeichnet nun als eine Art Benchmark-Vergleichswert, wie schnell die Luftreiniger Pollen und anderen Schmutz aus der Luft entfernen… Empfehlung Modelle mit einem CADR-Wert von 200-300 m³/Stunde…“

CADR: Clean Air Delivery Rate, die wichtigste Messgröße bei der Auswahl eines Luftreinigers

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