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Book “Medical Scandal Allergies”

Book “Medical Scandal Allergies”

Alleviation through new allergy therapies

Many new toxins decompose our health year after year!

Allergies are undoubtedly one of those diseases that has been shown to explode in proportion to the industrialization of our entire life, including all the toxins in the air we breathe, our food, our water and our clothes. While allergies were completely unknown a hundred years ago, statistically speaking, every third person in industrialized nations now suffers from an allergy – and the trend is alarming! Many new toxins decompose our health year after year!

This book contains the knowledge and experience of alternative allergy therapies from 20 professors and 120 doctors!, molecular researchers, biochemists and naturopaths who have taken the Hippocratic Oath solely for the benefit of patients!

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Medical Scandal Aging
Medical Scandal Fungal Diseases
Medical Scandal Asthma/Bronchitis
Medical Scandal Migraine/Headache
Medical Scandal Lyme Disease
Medical Scandal Arteriosclerosis

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