Broad Efficient Safe Trusted
These filter devices meets the B.E.S.T. requirements
Air purifier at home offices group rooms
Air purifiers play an increasingly important role for many people. They support allergy sufferers who can get better air with these filter devices, remove pathogens from the air and help people in large cities and metropolitan areas. Fine dust, house dust, pollen, bacteria, viruses, gases, chemicals and various smells disrupt the respiratory tract, which can lead to further problems such as lack of sleep, skin sensitivity, impaired concentration or a weakened immune system. Remove the following air filters, among others: Fine dust PM 2.5, house dust, pollen, pollen, smoke and smoke, odors, germs and pathogens, microorganisms, bacteria and viruses, mold spores, animal hair and mites, heavy metals, asbestos, toxic dusts, TVOC, formaldehyde, organic compounds, aerosols and more.
Drinking water filter Home Mobile Commercial
Drinking water is our most important food, but our tap water in Germany and mineral water are not always free from contamination, as press reports show more and more often. Thorough filtering at the molecular level with BestElements reverse osmosis filter devices removes impurities such as germs, bacteria and viruses, drug and drug residues, antibiotics, hormones, nitrates, pesticides, industrial chemicals, heavy metals, fluoride, chlorine, lime and much more. freed. Ultrapure water through diffusion process: The reverse osmosis technology is even able to remove radioactive components. Another special feature: the impurities do not remain in the filter device but are led to the outside as waste water.